Okay, uhh, not to alarm anybody.. but i MAY have broken my ipad. (aka the very thing, and ONLY thing i use for art). So commissioners, and people i owe art to.. we'll .... just see what happens from here. Terriiibblllyy sorry if im never able to finish the work, especially to those who had already sent payment beforehand.
So the deal with it is, it had a little bout or kind of seizure where it would crash and restart over and over, but i was very used to this since it happens to me on a daily basis and i just put up with it. It's finals week so i didnt have the time nor energy to go to a store and repair the thing. Earlier this evening when this happened, i just dismissed it as i normally would, but then i came back to check up on it, and it just didn't respond completely. like kaput kaput. I googled everything that i could, and everything just tells me to restart it or have it looked at. (it has currently been 2 hours since it last shut down, i left it charged and untouched but with still no signs or reactivation or power). So my plan is to go to a repair place maybe later this week and see whats wrong with it (again, since this wouldnt be the first time it's shut down). If i am able to recover any of the data i will send you the wip of what i have, then proceed to backup everything and HOPEFULLY, if it still works, then i will be able to actually finish it. 

TLDR; ipad killed itself. Commissions/owed art will have a heavy possibility of never being completed.

If you're able to support me to get it fixed that would actually be so much of a lifesaver, my ko-fi is linked belowww ^^


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