hai (pt. 38)

Posted 5 months, 26 days ago by ijbol

HAI HAI HAI trying to be so much more active over the winter break bc i dont have uni lectures again until FEBRUARY.. so Hai. if ur reading this ur officially my Friend.

give me ur ocs i may draw them at some point (mini christmas gifts oooooh) bc im allergic to drawing my own ocs


I feel like this was a threat but not 100% a bad one X3 If you wish to, any are for the pickings. I hope you have a lovely winter break! Hopefully uni gets easier on you! 

I feel like you're holding me at gunpoint with that first bit lmaoooo

Nah, that's relatable though, it's so much easier to draw my friends' ocs than mine??? It makes no sense, maybe I just don't fit my own standards lol.

omg hihihihihihihihhihi

omg … friend ship…? awesome thank you

TREU dude I’m exam and school free until February it’s such a relief,, congrats to completing the semester! Also if you draw one of my characters I legally have to draw one of yours,, 😈 

HAII i hope u enjoy ur time off :3 no lectures til Feb.. lucky.. mine start back in early jan ;_;;;

hii i hope u enjoy ur time off!!!

"if ur reading this ur officially my Friend."

I feel like I just got grabbed like this (/pos)5b910709ec1055d67eb285fb6bce74cd.jpg?ex=

ineed to draw every oc on this site like this picture


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its so aamazing.. im FREEEE

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yeas its our first exam season here in january, but i have no exams until the end of next semester so i get the whole month off >:3

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KIBBLE.. we already Friends (~^–^)~ AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

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its exam season but NOT FOR ME so im technically lucky I get to sit and do nothing (read: Study like crazy and draw for silliness)