Walking at night can be dangerous, deadly even.

Posted 6 months, 4 days ago by BooZoo

Should I stop walking at night?

5 Votes Sorry, but you should stop walking at night
6 Votes Keep walking at night, but wear the clown mask
8 Votes Only stop walking if the mask doesn't work
4 Votes Other opinion (Comment)

Content warning: Discussion of being chased by an older man and "What could have been's", and honest discussion of patterns of what could have led me into dangerous situations. I discuss what I wore, and I brainstorm on how to prevent it in the future.

I like to go walking at night, many times I have been harassed, but twice I have genuinely feared for my life.
This is a frightening discussion, feel free to skip it.

I have a habit of walking solely at night, I always have ever since I was a little girl, to cope, because it's just so calming, so beautiful, the sun isn't in your eyes, it's quiet, the stars are out, looking into the universe and feeling that distant feeling like you're so small compared to all the stars out there, wondering if there's someone, or something, out there looking back. I get this fuzzy, warm, existential feeling in my chest that nothing else can replicate, and due to this, I walk at night.

But the people on earth are relentless, my poor mother has been worried too many times after I call her in a panic, someone is following me, people are stopping their cars beside me on the highway, and the most scary one, an older man I didn't know chased me in the woods and tried to hunt me down, I had to hide behind a tree and listen to his footsteps gets closer and closer until my savior (my mom) pulled up in her car, I had to run toward her car while he chased me. It was one of the most scary things to happen in my life.

And once again, tonight, I was stalked again, not to the scary degree as last time, but it brought up that panic in me of, "Oh no, this is happening again, and this time I might not escape."

A white car circled the playground I was swinging in, it was night, and he stopped in front of me as I swung and watched me for three minutes. ( I knew that because that's how long the song I was listening to was ) I was frozen in fear, and I made a quick move to grab my purse to get my phone after the song was over, and boom, the second I reached for my purse, it sped off, sped off so quickly like I had pulled out a gun or something.

Then, it clicked.

I finally noticed a pattern.

The worst situations only happened when I dressed a lot younger than my actual age. A chill went down my spine.

The scariest time it happened, I was wearing a girlish cat onesie that covered my head, paired with rose stretch pants, this was when I was chased in the woods. (Pic that I thought would be the last picture I ever took, this was the woods, and those headlights were the man's car still in park because he jumped out of his car to chase me)

The second time (last night) it happened when I had slight vintage clown makeup on with bright rosy cheeks, a long red wig, and an oversized clown sweater. The car pulled up within 10 minutes of me being there at the park. (It was also around 3-4 AM)

With that in mind, I just assume I look like an even younger girl with those types of kiddish outfits on, especially from far away. (Like in a car) An "Easy target" for some sick people.

So, if I don't want to stop walking at night, I need to change tactics, I don't want someone to harm me. I don't want to leave my friends... But I don't want to stop walking at night, on good nights, it's the most calming, happiest place I could be. My happy place.

So I tried out something risky, something I had never done before or seen others do, I picked a clown mask, I have several, but I picked this one because it's just in the middle of "Scary" and "Goofy" and wore it to the park for a few nights, and just as I suspected, not a single person bothered me. No cars, no people... and for the first time, I felt safe. I wasn't an easy target anymore, I was a scary person.

So, what do you think friends? Is this the last straw? Should I take this latest event as a final warning to never go walking at night again, or should I take the bold (Possibly a good idea, possibly extremely stupid) idea of wearing clown/ski masks when I go walking at night?

I checked the mask law in my state, and it says wearing any kind of mask is legal as long as you aren't committing a crime wearing it. But DO NOT TRY THIS, I still haven't tested it enough, you never know, I could get shit from the police, so do not try this, but if it works in the long run, I will make an updated post. But if something bad happens, I'll also update.

But one thing is for sure, if this mask thing doesn't work, I am never walking at night again.



Thats absolutely horrifying... im so glad you're safe after that!! walking at night has such a calming effect though, i had to leave the house the other night because i was upset so i went on a walk. its scary as hell though and ill admit im afraid of the dark cause we live in a rural place lol... i took my dog with me and it made me feel better

honestly i think the mask idea is great, if someone ever bothers you about it pepper spray could be something you start to carry with you instead?

I'm glad everything turned out too, scared the hell out of me though! Leaving to walk to de-stress is exactly how I became a nightwalker as well, It's not that I'm afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of what, or who, is in the dark!

I don't have a dog, but maybe if I leash my cat it can have a similar effect (:

Pepper Spray is a good idea, I had trouble finding mine so I'm going to buy a new can of it as soon as I can, better safe than sorry! ❀

I am so sorry to hear about your experiences, that is genuinely chilling… Do you think that there could be a safer place to be taking your walks?
Not that femme people will ever be entirely safe at night, but if your area is at all sketchy or remote, it might be worth the time to drive/get a ride to somewhere like a nicer, well lit and surveyed neighborhood where creeps would feel less comfortable harassing you, and civilization would be close by if you needed to ask for help.

If I were in your position, I would also want to set up an expectation with a loved one on where I would be, and when I would be back/need picked up specifically, so that a trusted individual could be in the area that I am walking with very little additional time taken on my part.
Apps like Life 360 would also allow a loved one to keep track of where my phone is, and to notice if I were to start moving in a strange or worrying manner.

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I’m so sorry you’ve been harassed by these people! The experience you described with the man who chased you into the woods sounds like something straight out of a horror movie! Definitely be really careful if you’re gonna continue walking at night. As someone else suggested, always carry a self-defense weapon, pepper spray, anything that you can use to protect yourself in case you ever get in a situation where you’ll need them (which hopefully won’t happen but you never know). And make sure you always have your phone on you too in case you need to call for help. And yeah, it could help to dress differently when you go on night walks if you believe the reason these people preyed on you was because your clothes made you look younger than you really were. Sadly a lot of creeps out there target younger people. If changing your dress style doesn’t work, I’d suggest switching to night driving instead.

I’ve taken my dog outside in the yard at night before, and it’s nice to be out at night when it’s warm. My neighborhood seems pretty safe, but even so, I personally wouldn’t risk walking it at night, especially since it would worry my grandma. I also don’t have access to weapons I can carry in my pocket or pepper spray, and my combat skills are garbage. My dog is pretty small (she’s a chiweenie), so I’m not sure if she’d be much help either in the case I ever encountered a kidnapper or assaulter in general. Night walking would be a lot more appealing if there weren’t creeps ruining the fun. :(

That's terrifying. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that. There's a lot of absolutely horrible people on this planet. 

I'd say if you're going out at night then take things to defend yourself. Pepper spray, possibly a weapon (If its legal for you to do so in your state). The clown mask is a good idea, or any clothing that would make you seem like less of a target. But beware of attracting negative attention doing that ^^;  Going with a group of friends is also another way to help keep yourself safe. 

I go walking all the time during the day. Its way safer, though you still encounter nasties. I had one lady try and get me into her car with the excuse of " I just want to give you a lift to the dog park 😇"  .... 😨 Though just walking towards someone's house makes them drive away very fast. 

Stay safe! ♡

 it is nice to go on walks at night, but just be careful. I know a good alternative for me is sitting in my room drawing or driving while listening to some of my favorite songs. Yeah still continue the walks just be extra careful :)

Aren't they? I know lots of people enjoy day walking, but I feel like night walking is underrated! (Perhaps for a reason??) But yes, you're right, if this last-ditch effort doesn't work, I will stay home and draw, drive while listening to music, as an alternative.

Thanks! I'll stay safe, and I'll make sure this doesn't happen again ❀

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Yes! I own 2 cases of Pepper Spray, a really handy weapon to use if things do get bad, I feel like looking scary would highly lessen the chances of being approached, period. (Which I wouldn't even have to use weapons If I'm not even approached in the first place) But you're 100% correct, I can't just rely on the mask, weaponless!

Thanks, this is a good reminder that I need to go find my cases of pepper spray, this won't happen again, I'll make sure of it this time. ❀

HM. This is a really tough situation and scary tbh. I totally understand taking night walks though, I used to all the time when I would visit my dad since he lived on a mile long dirt road, it was so refreshing esp at night

I think the main problem is those nasty people out there seem to focus on anyone presenting as a girl. Young or not really, although if you dress or look younger they're more likely to think you're an easier target.
The clown mask is a good idea, but at the same time there could be someone who starts getting suspicious of you in that and it could also get dangerous in a completely different manner ;;

Maybe it could've had them thinking you were a boy with the mask? Perhaps could try 'dressing like a boy'. If you have long hair maybe hide it in a hat or hoodie. There's still chance they go after boys as well. So it's tough to tell if the clown mask is helping keep them away or if they just percieve you as a boy with it 😭

Stay safe if you continue taking night walks!! 

Thanks for your opinion Kat (: I was honestly thinking very similar thoughts to yours, almost read my mind actually, and after reading some horror stories online about lady joggers being attacked, I can safely say (because of my experiences) I, personally, am never going walking while presenting female again. I just don't like taking that kind of risk after this happened, I can't fight anyone, I'm like, 5 foot 1 and not comfortable in my ability to use weapons against someone way stronger than me <:)

I have considered dressing as male, but there's something very inhuman about the clown mask that I hope sends the signal of "Stay away from me, I may be a small person but I'm scary!" Annnnnd, If I do get flack from the cops, I'll make sure to make a post about it saying "Sorry everyone it was a dumb idea from the start" (: - But in my opinion, it's better to have a brief, sobering, run-in with displeased cops, than to have a run-in with strangers with bad intentions again!   

Thanks for your opinion! You pretty much read my mind, I'll stay safe and if ANYTHING else happens, if these plans don't work, I promise I will stop walking at night entirely ❀