Stop insulting proshippers.

Posted 4 months, 28 days ago by Flipside

Hey so I'm kinda sick of coming across insults against proshippers in every page warning, just??? Super not cool to openly claim to be antiqueer and xenophobic. Fucking cut it out. Be better.


I've even had some negative replies on Deviantart and frankly? It's disgusting that people are so openly pro-censorship. Read about the hayes code. Read about why dark art and kink exists. People have been exploring these topics for ages, this is not a new thing. Stop harassing people over fucking fiction.


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Uhm, this is a lot. Kind of hard to read. But I think it mostly boils down to "fiction affects reality" and just so you know yep. I agree, proshippers I talk to also agree. Fiction absolutely affects reality, that's why we like it. But fiction does not affect reality on a 1 to 1 ratio. 

If you have a friend who loves saw movies / slasher flicks it doesn't make them an actual serial killer who hurts real people. That's pretty much all I'm trying to explain.

thank you for being such a strong voice to be able to speak out your feelings for us who can't ♡ 


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Yeah, I've lost my friends and majority of my online community because of this. I hope by continuing to offer up education and discussions people will learn to relax more. TT n TT;

There will always be people that will prioritise the morality of fictional characters than the experiences of the people creating content of said characters. It's honestly sad to see this resurgence of christofacist puritanism in content creation. Too many people are growing up terminally online with no ability to vet a person before getting deeply involved with them (stranger danger is dead), and media literacy is at an all time low (along with literacy in general).

Oh gosh I know, it makes me so sad that internet safety is no longer a priority or taught to younger kids. "They will get on the internet anyway" YES THEY WILL, but you still have to teach them how to safely navigate it or interact with strangers!!! ;; KIDS PLEASE STOP LISTING YOUR AGES/LOCALS/TRIGGERS!!!

🫂 people can be so mean about this stuff even though it's easily solved with a quiet block. i hope they eventually leave you alone :(

Nods, I agree. I do my best to just block anyone who does not wish to interact with proshippers / myself as a whole.

I just wish they would also block and move on, instead they keep actively talking about me on the TH forums and trying to hurt my business and community.

There are particular limits for me. (Like adults with children kinda ships) I do avoid that kinda stuff in general though.

However I do agree it's not hurting anyone and it is just fiction if people have issues then just ignore or don't comment on the person in question's work/ship.

It's not worth the stress regardless of what ship you hate/feel uncomfortable with. Plenty of worse shit out there. (Excuse my language) 

Big limits for me too, if people feel safe to tag/warn it then we could safely hang out in NSFW spaces and avoid it. Just such a struggle because so many people are afraid to warn anymore cause it gets them so much more harassment.

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I think literally anything can be a dog whistle, so... Kinda means nothing haha.

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It's an insta-block for me; for me it's not worth interacting with people without media literacy or maturity, who think that what you consume = your moral system. It's pretty sad that education lacks in such a way that people (often children) come into that mindset and think that this is real activism instead of focusing on actual systemic issues. But with no free time or spoons, I'm really not here to educate every single person on it -- particularly because if they're already "proship DNI", they're plainly not going to be charitable and receptive to me. I tell myself they'll grow up and I move on. There are plenty of other people who are worth the energy. Major respect to you for trying to educate people, but I hope it doesn't take too much of a toll on you mentally ♡

Fiction is fiction. I don't argee eith every fetish or kink but I don't go around harassing people because of their interests. I agree with @Lavander-Skunk and it's a dangerous mindset to be brought up into. If people are uncomfortable then don't look at. Period. 

The internet is going so crazy with this stuff. I don't consider myself a furry but I enjoy drawing them and the art community as a whole. Yes people can take that their own ways too but I don't hate or harass them because of the other side of the community they are into. 

It all comes back to, "don't like it. Don't look" -shrugs- people just go crazy because everyone behind a keyboard can talk a big talk. 

Literally had someone recently get mad at me over a completely unrelated issue, then suddenly came after me over a kink they assumed I had. Like??? They also made it clear they were a minor and I "made them uncomfortable" because of the kink they, again, ASSUMED I HAD.

1. Even if it was kink/fetish art, it's fiction and not hurting anyone. As long as no one is getting hurt and everyone is a consenting adult, people can do whatever they want. You don't have to agree with whatever it is, but my gosh it's FICTION 

2. Just because someone has a fascination with or interest in something doesn't mean it's a kink. Even if that thing "is a fetish." No hun, it CAN be a fetish. Anything can be a fetish, this ain't news if you've been on the internet for more than 3 seconds.

3. As someone who is openly asexual, I'm really tired of people assuming everything is kinky and that everyone is horny all the time. As if I don't feel alienated enough by a society that often feels fueled by sex? 

3.5. Especially with minors assuming every adult is sex-crazed and dangerous? I hate that minors have to even worry about that, let alone are being taught to assume that every adult is to be feared. What a dangerous mindset.

Do I understand/agree with every kink/fetish? No, far from it. But I don't go around attacking/harassing real people over fictional characters in fictional scenarios.

There are so many real people doing real harm, hurting other real people, and y'all are choosing to spend your time attacking the character of someone who draws a furry in handcuffs. 

Pathetic. Do better.


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If I have to come across "death to proshippers" one more time I'm going to go full joker mode


is that sort of language a reportable offense on th? 🤔 I know it would be on other sites, but I don't really know what goes on th (too much)

it's really sad and uncomfortable to me there's like this whole internet generation that thinks harassment, death threats, and suicide baiting is... fine and normal? morally okay? because of stories they don't like? I don't understand that mindset at all tbh, and it gives me severe second-hand embarrassment. that these people decide to target like, regular everyday folks just kicking around the internet instead of actual predators and known institutions that cause real world harm also speaks to their motivations: they just need to bully someone to make themselves feel bigger?

there's also The Choice to try to influence the world around them through negative means like harassment and abuse, instead of using their energy to try and be the good in the world. volunteering their time for charity or making the choice to be kind to those that need it, instead of taking out such ugly feelings on strangers because they drew a picture or like a story. feels bad man.

I dunno, as I get older, the things that haunt me most about my past are any pains, big or small, I've inflicted on others, and that just seems to get more true and painful every passing year. every unkindness. I can't IMAGINE how these kids might be feeling in a decade or so, and it physically hurt me to think about it.

wishing you the best, aj.

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