how hard did u win 2023?

Posted 4 months, 4 days ago by Xuu

vy'apavê ary pyahu rehe minna-san

6 Votes hell yeah
14 Votes i love soggy bread
1 Votes idk how to delete poll options so i guess ill have to fill the rest
23 Votes pee bucket
13 Votes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
8 Votes olive

this year i got beefy as shit. lustruous pecs and all. onwards to getting beefier, tittier and balder next 2024


my new years resolution is to get buff and learn spanish


ya te inscribiste en un gimnasio? no seras buffudo sin el!!! inscribalo hoy o mañana!!! no dejes para 2025!! cheerin 4 u

I got engaged and this year i shall buy an house and become a real adult and then I can do real adult stuff like save for a fursuit.



In soggy bread we trust 

Does it count as a win if I booked a trip for next year that's basically??? Dream material since I was 13??? 

Dunno the wins, definitely know the losses of this year, hoping to get swole AF like you for next year and kick my own ass at fucking DRAWING 

And with that, the 2023 season comes to an end, happy new year!!! 🎉


hell yeah thats a win!! congrats on ur win!!!

join a gym today or tomorrow!! dont leave it for when youre in the mood because we never are honestly! trick yourself into going just to check things out!! swoleness is a matter of constant practice and you can start your swole journey TODAY just by watching cardio videos on yt and trying to follow! beelive it


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if you dont have the habit of going to a gym, try going there and doing only the things you like at first for a very short time! like being 10 -15 mins on the mill, or idk, doing planks? anything you like doing. the mill can be a good start because you can do it while listening to music which makes it more enjoyable :) run while imagining animal people fighting in your head like an amv AND get swole while at it. then you can slowly start adding things to it with the aid of one of the coaches there, but make sure to make your gym experience enjoyable so you associate it as a self care place thats worth your time and you want to be in rather than something torturous you should do! never punish yourself, it'll just make your associate the gym with bad feelings! only positive reinforcement will make you do things!

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i went to the gym every month (save 2-3 months earlier this year when i was overseas), im not insane about it like there are days i skip, there are days i do half the sets or less intense things, my workout isnt insane, there are weeks i cant go (rn i havent gone in 2 weeks), i also dont do any specific diet + i havent been eating so neatly which surely affects the speed of my gains. but i go whenever i can, and this stacks up in the end. after a year of this i'm fit and i'm strong, sure i'm not as swole as i'd be if i were to go everyday and eat a ton of protein, but i still did a lot of progress and i'm rly proud of it. basically i reccomend going to a gym and not being insane about it, you'll get results, it'll be a good pass time, it helps with anxiety and adhd, you'll feel so different even if you physically dont change much at first and in the end you'll be so proud of it. its very worth it!! 👍

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Yeah man! Like, those things DO help and if you do that you'll get mad results. But honestly most people at the gym are there once or twice a week doing a couple things just to keep them physically active (also many people are shy/insecure abt what theyre doing/dont know how to do things well at first). You get to the perfect schedule whatever if you like, have a special interest on this or have already been on the gym for years and want something intense lmao its like saying you need a super expensive cintiq and to rent your own studio to draw... you dont need it! most people dont even have that 😆

also when you join a gym the trainers there will make a set for you! making your own set is for when youre deep in gym knowledge already. diet wise you should just eat well, it doesnt mean perfect, and if you sometimes dont youll not liike... not grow bc of this. just grow less than you would with a perfect diet. honestly working out makes u hungry so this can even be a way to stimulate you into improving your diet (or at least eating more of what you already eat).

you can go to a gym without any plan not knowing how to do anything, thats what most people do, thats what i did some years back. theres people there paid to help you with stuff. if you dont know something you can just ask them and theyll be glad to help. often you can even ask others about how to do things, sometimes people see you doing something wrong but theyre too shy to comment so breaking this barrier is often good :)

basically i reccomend going to a gym casually just to see what its like! many places have that thing where they guide you around the gym and show what things are used for, they may even ask you if you wanna do a free set and guide you through one. in which case i really recc not being shy abt it bc it can be a free testing the waters thing with how a gym works :)