This year was quite a mixed bag for me with a lot of good and bad things happening but one thing I cannot understate is how glad I am with this account and my focus on growing it, I always wanted to focus more on art and while I'm not big or anything I'm very glad I'm at a point now where even if I'm not the most confident about my own skills and abilities there are people here who are on my side and like the things I make, sometimes I can end up not replying to comments outside of business because I'm extremely anxious so I'm very very sorry if at any moment you felt like I was ignoring you, I am extremely grateful for all the support I have been getting and hopefully this same day next year you will still be here to hear what I have to say!!

One thing I do kinda regret is the lack of raffles, my ideal goal would be to make one every month but this year due to some health problems and other personal issues I was unable to achieve that but hopefully as things look brighter for next year will be able to do that and more for you guys!

And here is a little retrospective with some of my favorite adopts I did this year and my thoughts about them:

January - First design I ever made that really got some attention, even tho it went thru a small redesign by the new owner I am still quite proud of how it turned out even if the 3d model it has kinda sucks and the original design was made over official pokemon art

February - While the shading on the actual design art here is quite rough, I am still proud of how cute of a design it is and the 3d model I did for it really helped me find a good shape identity to how my models look

March - Originally sketched out as a custom, but the person disappeared before paying and I decided to make it an adopt since it's way too banger of a design concept to be left rotting because some guy didn't read my ToS before contacting me. Still very glad I decided to go with leopard seal pattern for the tail since it helps separate it from other designs and looks cute

April - I have been trying to avoid putting batch designs here but I just simply cannot make this list without mentioning this one, even tho they were originally made over official pokemon artwork I am still quite proud of how they turned out, I ended up keeping them a little while because people kept offering and then backing later on and it had me pissed but nowadays a good friend of mine owns them and it makes me quite happy to see them being loved

May - Putting these two here together since that's how they were made to be and are one of the cases where I made the mistake of showing their sketches to my friend and they bought em before they even were uploaded to toyhouse. These are by far the most fun I had working with alcremie and while they are quite simple because at the time I didn't feel confident enough expressing the other ideas I had in mind for them the more time passes the more I realize it works in their favor. They are also lesbians which makes them automatically cooler than any other design

June - A random idea I had one afternoon while I was trying to come up with some fun adopts, at first i wanted to do more with their design and add more markings and circus related items but decided against it and I'm very glad I did because their simplicity really helps with the charm

July - At the time I actually didn't really like this design, I was upset at my inability to go with a more slim design like the one eeveelutions actually have and wasn't a fan of the brush I used for the lineless fullbody but I'm glad I decided against deleting it because different from a lot of other designs I delete because they make me mad at my own skills when it comes to making a character this was more of an execution mistake than a problem in the actual design

August - Fairly similar to the last design when it comes to the palette(I might have actually used the same exact one for both of them since it has me on a chokehold) but still quite unique on it's own way and im glad I decided to use a quaxly for it since even tho it isn't a pokemon I'm that familiar with working with it's still quite adorable

September - It's a vaporeon, it's konpeito, it's surprisingly still for sale but it's okay because i had fun making it and thats what matters :)

October - As I mentioned before I have been trying to avoid putting adopts from batches here but this one I just, I can't, this was one of the last designs that lasted even after the Halloween batch was over and I'm honestly really glad he did because he is just so cute and my son

November - One of the first adopts I have made using a base since I was a child and while it is to be expected that it would be easy for me to work with my own base it was still a fun little challenge working with it and making changes here and there to the base so it matches more with what I had in mind and really reminded me of being a kid on deviantart editing MLP bases all day

December - As of today(31/12/2023) this adopt is only 2 days old and while it makes sense I would be happy with an adopt made so recently it makes me specially happy to look at because just, it's a little bear guy thing :)

Anyway, thank you if you read this far or even if you just decided to skip to the end(I don't blame you) I am really happy to be here with you all and I hope you have a good year!!


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