Your New Years Resolution!

Posted 5 months, 24 days ago by SPACELAND


3 Votes :)
34 Votes :3
20 Votes :D
21 Votes :]


Happy New Year's Eve + New Year! It's me! Again! Things have been...Definitely going, but I'm at least happy I fulfilled my resolution. It's not gonna change next year, but it's a little sentimental to me. My resolution is continuing to stay alive and surviving. I swore it during a really dark time in my life and am happy to look back on my improvements and progress over the years even if in terms of "achievement" it isn't anything grand.

If you'd like to share your own resolution, I'd love to read it!! Have a good one. n_n


Happy New Year! I'm proud of you for staying strong. Every little win counts. 

I don't really do new years resolutions because I am very forgetful but if there's anything I hope for this year it's that I'll be more social cuz I tend to be rlly shy and just end up ignoring messages even if I rlly want to be friendly and reply 😮‍💨

Got a couple of resolutionz that come to mind , mainly Draw more for the enjoyment of art , and broaden the horizonz [Happy new year!!!! ]

I have a ton of resolutions lol, some of the bigger ones include trying to become a vtuber + learning to code :3

I think next year I wanna work on my landscape/background work, and maybe try to break out of the 3/4ths head view that I really do draw all the time ajsdfhsdjkf. oh and work on improving my color palettes 

(maybe I'll also try starting my commissions but we'll see)

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In 2024 I wanna work on learning more about animation, mainly getting a good grasp on the fundamentals.

I’d also like to work on my storytelling a little bit. I’d honestly love to have a complete first draft of at least one of my stories by the end of this year, (Even if it’s super rough and flawed lol.)

My main resolution is to experiment even more with my art and drawing my ocs for once :'D

mine is basically not taking on any art that i cannot finish in 2 weeks, and to clean my room every sunday. Im adhd and autistic, life likes to kick me in the balls and trigger depressive episodes a lot and then my anxiety tells me i let everyone down and that people hate me when im slow or late with things so im going to be trying hard not to make things worse for myself like i normally do

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My resolution is to get a better artstyle and to make more money 🙏🏽🙏🏽


my resolution is to move to australia and marry my boyfriend /hj

but in seriousness, it’s continuing to seek the help I need so I can live my life in confidence. 



My resolution is to drink more water and eat less sweets. Overal just improving my health…

Glad you’re doing swell and I think that’s an awesome resolution :)

YAAA I HAD A SIMILAR THING THIS YEAR ... As a secondary goal of course but it does feel really nice to drink more water i've noticed i have so many less headaches LOL

Thank you though :D

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GOOD LUCK!!! I've tried many a-time to do the same but could never really understand... Hope it goes well!!

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