New years meme!

Posted 5 months, 17 days ago by EmptyProxy

So some of u probably know like- those old text "memes" on DA where people would fill in a bunch of text questions and then tag other people to fill em out. idk how else to describe em but this one's by me!!! :3 Maybe there's some other thing like this floating around but I thought it'd be fun to type one out for new years stuff. 

~Reflecting on 2023~

Favorite memory: Definitely the wedding reception I got to have with my family when I came back from the states after getting married 👉👈 It's a memory I'm going to hold dear to my heart for the rest of my life. It's hard to describe like- the day itself. It was just perfect, no other words can fit.

Favorite song of the year: Despite what Spotify claims, War from Ultrakill was def one of my favorite song finds of the year. It's a song I associate really heavily with Eden and her story now. I've never actually played Ultrakill ;w; I'd like to try it but man I am ass at FPS games.

Favorite art piece you did: It was super hard to pick x0x But I'm still super proud of how this painting of Kalama came out. 71778814_Fx9BcowRAtNJsuo.jpgDigitally I think this icon of Eden might've been the best one I did all year, I really went all out messing around with her expression changes. I think it really shows what kind of character she is. Mostly nervous, kinda pissed, but still able to see the good in life despite it all.


Favorite art piece(s) you got (Commissioned, art payment, gift, anything works!): 

Art by The_seVIIn
Art by miasmao
Art by Qu-Ross
Oogh... Eden... my baby girl... I love seeing pieces of her just living her best life and smiling. x0x this piece is so heckin cute my heart- I also love the inclusion of her outfit from her scar ref? :O I didn't think anyone would draw her in it but hey, she's beach ready now. Without question my favorite piece I got from artfight.Another artfight piece!! idk what it is about this one but it scratches my brain in a good way :) I come back to look at it a lot. I love my Bexter creature. I wanna start off by saying go commission Qu-Ross 🔫 all the art I've ever commissioned from him has always come out fantastic and are some of my favorite character pieces. This isn't a request it's a demand, go do it. Look here's the link to em. Support the boi.

hnfgjnfhhgjdf god this peice of Crisp goes so hard. I love the little employee of the month badge and him monching a borger and oogh everything about this piece is so good 😭 How did you make my goober of a critter look so cool-

Favorite OCs you made or adopted (I know it’s hard but maybe limit it to 3, just for a challenge :3): 

I'll organize it into "Favorite one I've made", "Favorite one I've adopted" and "Favorite newest oc". You don't have to organize it the same way, just makes it easier for me to pick some babs :3

Number one biggest and best OC I made this year has to be Eden, oooooooh my god I love my angel girl. 😭 She feels like an OC that needed to exist for a looooong time. Her creation has given me a reason to actually add in some lore to my angels and demons, and the realms they inhabit. One day I'll be able to show off all the behind the scenes work I've done for em ;3 

Favorite OC I've adopted this year might be a surprise since it isn't actually Starr! Don't get me wrong I still adore Starr and they're still a big ol fixation, but my favorite OC I've adopted this year is probably Cobalt! He's been a dreamie for a loooong long long time, and the fact that he was up for free still blows me away x0x I was just looking at him that day in a "Ah, maybe one day" kinda way. Turns out that was the day :O He also reminds me a lot of like- these water tube stim toys I had as a kid. Kinda endears me to him even more. (Runner up since I can't not mention her has to be Hazel since I've created a huge new portion of my world dedicated to her town, it's history, and it's fun residents. It's like an animal crossing village that exists in my brain jkdfhsj Cobalt wins out due to how I got him and how long I've wanted him.)

Favorite newest OC is a tie!! x0x breaking my own rules jskdfhdksj But they're characters who are going together story wise so... eh, same thing. TBN (He still needs a name *sobs*) and Oopsie Daisy! TBN is another huuuge longtime dreamie x0x I remember when both him and Cobalt were posted to DA (In separate batches I think? It'd be funny if they were from the same one) I'm so super excited to develop him and god he's gonna be so much fun to draw. Oopsie Daisy is the newest arrival I have and the final OC I adopted in 2023 :D I am... so genuinely fucking shocked that I won her in her auction. I'm still stunned- I'm hoping to get a ref for her started after I finish up some coms tonight so y'all can see her the same way I do :D I'm planning on her to be TBN's assistant, but eventually she gets a story more focused on her, just you wait ;3c

~Hopes for 2024~

New years resolutions?: The usual tbh, lose weight, draw more, be less anxious. I really want to get my immigration process started this year since it's going to take a long time x0x We got an estimate of 15 months at most from the first guy we talked to so that's fun. Hopefully it'll end up being less than that. It'd be nice to maybe get one of my game ideas started, or at least make a tester demo in RPG maker. 

Things you want to do differently this year: I want to talk with y'all more. Maybe make a discord group or something, idk. I've always been a better group moderator than owner 😅 so who knows. I also want to draw for myself a bit more often. I'm more than grateful for all the support y'all have given me, I hope it's never seemed like I've taken it for granted. I feel like I gotta try and manage my time better to show some love n care for my lil guys. I wanna get out of my comfort zone a bit more with art. We'll see how it all goes :3

Tag some friends you'd like to see do the meme!! You'll have to do it in the comments tho, tags don't work in bulletins for some reason :\

Blank is under the spoiler!

~Reflecting on 2023~

Favorite memory: 

Favorite song of the year:

Favorite art piece you did: 

Favorite art piece you got (Commissioned, art payment, gift, anything works!):

Favorite OCs you made or adopted (I know it’s hard but maybe limit it to 3, just for a challenge :3): 

~Hopes for 2024~

New years resolutions?:

Things you want to do differently this year:


been meaning to do this meme for over a month kdjfghdjk
gonna do it now!

huge congratulations on the wedding once again!

your art is looking great! love to see all the new ocs

here's to hoping 2024 will be a good year!

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sjdfhdskj sorry for the late reply a  a aaa-

yEAH ngl didn't think I'd get this far with anyone relationship wise. It's still a lil weird but the good kind of weird. 

ooogh that's good to hear. idk there is some part in my brain that goes "no don't use those settings play it raw" but I just gotta tell that part of my brain to shut it-

I'm glad you like the paintings!! I really should open coms for em but last time I did no one seemed interested which made me a lil sad ;w; I wasn't really in a fantastic headspace at the time h- I'm excited to see who you want drawn :3c

Eden deserves all the pickles :3 She is a good bab, a little meow meow- 

Yeah idk I'm just better when I'm not the main person in charge of a server idk x0x I'll think on it but at the same time I feel like I'm already in servers with all my friends so why make another one ksjdfkds 

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