extended hiatus.

Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by xivthsword

i had to be hospitalized for a while and i'm not doing so hot as i'm still waiting to see what's actually wrong with me. so i still won't be on here as much or on discord unfortunately.

if you need me though, you can just send me a message through here or on my secondary twitter. i'm still sporadic as i'm just trying to focus on getting better and just talking / roleplaying with a small friend circle. 

but i will still be here. :3 

at some point i might be annoying to sell a bunch of OCs because my medical bills, etc. but skdfjghdskjhfg 

i love you guys so much and thank you for sticking around. <333 


If anyone needs to get to Ezrah they can also message me! I will update him