
Posted 5 months, 5 days ago by Abandon3dRain

Has anyone ever had their wrist splinted before? I’m supposed to wear it day and night but I find that when I wake up in the morning the pain is worse with the splint on compared to before? And it’s supposed to keep it from bending the bends that further injure my hand and wrist but like? I’m wondering if it’s even doing that, is it normal for it to hurt in morning?


Hi!! I know this is late but you're NOT supposed to sleep with it on :( even if a doctor or physiotherapist recommended it, its really not good for your wrist to be compressed all night,, only wear it when you're up and about, And I would highly recommend looking into wrist stretches if possible!

Oh :0 I did not know that. The compression pressure isn’t too bad but I’ll try this and see how it goes :0