Bi erasure - Don't. Fucking. Do it.

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago by Aqua

Ya know, I'm in a pretty bad mood, so what better time to rant about something that REALLY REALLY pisses me off?

Bi erasure.


It's actually all too common than most people think. For some reason, people out there honestly believe that, yes, some people aren't GAY enough or are "too straight". Like my favorite example is "Oh, you can't be a bi girl, you're dating a male LOLOLOL"

Jfc, shut the FUCK UP

If someone identifies as bi, then THEY are bi. If they fall in love with their opposite gender for whatever reason, DON'T FUCKING INVALIDATE IT. This also goes for bi people who happen to be dating the same gender, don't say they are now "only into their own gender" if they STILL identify as bi!!!!


Also, it's STILL possible and PERFECTLY acceptable to have a preference. Bi person prefers dating someone who's their gender? STILL BI. Bi person has a perf for dating the opposite? STILL FUCKING BI.

I think another thing that really made me mad, is the fact that some people ACTUALLY think "oh you like male OCs or you enjoy malexMale relationships, uh you're not really into your gender then are you? LOLOLOL"


And honestly? This goes for homosexuals as well. OF COURSE gay people can like people who are the opposite gender! Oh my God, how does that even make sense? So they can't be friends with the opposite gender, or enjoy opposite gender characters?

And honestly? This isn't just even with bi people. It happens a LOT for pansexuals, and those who fall under the aro/ace specturm, including greysexuals and such.

It's just gross and wrong.

Put a end to it, I shouldn't have to feel invalidated because of your close mind.  


Oh man preach it LOL this is so true and drives me crazy as well. I personally identify as bi and have a friend whos mother thinks bisexuality isnt a thing, youre either "straight or gay". Its such a simple minded and very narrow way to think... bisexuality shouldnt always be considered a polyamorous kind of relationship seeker either. Just because you like both doesnt mean you have both at the same time. Not that it cant happen but yeah... idk man, some people just dont understand how to open their minds to things. Kinda like how I used to be so adamant against drug use, Ive finally opened my mind to accept that people are people no matter what they do or who they love. Narrow mindedness is a huge human flaw... it takes a lot of coaxing explaining re-explaining to open some up. About much more than just sexuality and habits. Transgenders, fashion style statements, even judging to their job titles. People dont realize people do the things they do because some ways are to cope with harsh pasts, others to cope with their lack of self confidence or worth and others because theyre following their hearts and how they feel because they want to be happy with who they are and be the person they feel like they are.

Let people be people...i hope i make sense lol kinda rambled

I so tired with narrow minds and the stupid tendencies on put a label on everything and tellin you how you should be...

Especally since they have NO IDEA how the person truly feels about things and etc. You AREN'T that person, so you have no right to "pick" their sexuality!

Let me add, you cannot judge a person sexuality based in who such person dates. For eixample and this is personal so no offense meant, I usually like women, but if I date a guy that doesn't neccessary make me bisexual or I like guys, means that I like that certain guy and only that guy.

another thing that annoys me, as a pan/demi, is the whole "oh u fuck pans then?" joke. LIKE NO. ive heard that so much its not even funny anymore. STOP. pls. if its a good hearted joke with friends i dont rlly mind it but when its someone i just met recently or dont even talk to? it annoys the living hell out of me. its not rlly as severe as erasure is but it still annoys me to heck and back

I agree so much with all this. My husband is bi, but since he's married to me (a woman), it's easy to assume he's straight, and for a while he was really torn about how it feels like he has to ignore the aspect of him that is attracted to men. He doesn't actually want to act on it, but it's hard for him to feel comfortable expressing his feelings. I have to encourage him to be open and chat with me about how cute we think that guy was over there, and the like.

Like, if it's no big deal to me, his WIFE, if he's bi, then why should other people care and want to dictate how he can express that? -_-

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Actually when I started dating my boyfriend people started calling me straight and when I would correct them their response was "No. You're dating a dude. If you were actually bi you'd still be with your girlfriend." Cause you know..... Leaving an abusive fucking relationship means that I'm straight.

I'm also Pansexual....

*slow clap*

I really dislike when this happens all around

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Thank you! Thank you for saying it! It is one of the most frustrating things!

It absolutely is! I know the feeling all too well X-X

I'm not a violent person but sometimes when a person keeps pushing it I just wanna slap a b