New character profiles coming UPDATE 2

Posted 3 months, 4 days ago by tehuti88

The first version of Gunter Hesse's profile has gone live. Hesse's plot follows a weird trajectory, so his history--and his "In Heaven" section--will be divided in two. These later parts aren't written yet, but Hesse's main history has been, and is available to read. It HAS NOT been checked for typos, AND there are likely to be future additions/plot changes, though this is a good example of how future profiles will look, albeit likely shorter (Hesse and Otto Himmel are two of my most developed characters, so their pages will of course be quite long).

"Hesse In Heaven (Part One)" should be along soon, to illustrate what this part of the profiles entails. The second part of the history will likely be much abbreviated as the final story, Ultima Thule, is still highly under development. "Hesse In Heaven (Part Two)" should be more developed.

A disclaimer to state I DO NOT condone the horrific actions of many of my characters, Hesse included. Though he does go through a redemption arc, he is a bad guy. "In Heaven" is explained somewhat HERE (spoiler warning); I hope the eventual writeup will speak for itself.

I'll update when Hesse's profile is "finished."


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