I’m not feeling well at all. Cut off a friend of 3 years, and I’m heartbroken they chose some other friends over me. She was pretty much my whole life - We made so many stories and OCs together. Nearly all of my Story folder consists of characters we’ve made and roleplays we’ve created. A little part of me is hopeful they’ll unblock me… maybe apologize for saying hurtful things… but with how they acted last night I don’t really know.. they’ve hurt me so badly but I love them. 

 I just really need some pick-me-ups - things like art or characters. I’m broke but atp I’m so down I need a little treat, so I can spend up to 20$ on commissions or characters. I’m specifically looking for art of anyone in my Story folder or characters that interest me. I can also do trades with anyone in these folders —> https://toyhou.se/VibrantFangz/characters/folder:2856577 

Also designers like Tatfiresou, Yokkito or Crybble would be really cool if anyone has a design of theirs up for trade/sale, I’d be willing to spend more for those designs if available. Thank u <3


It sucks that you have to deal with that, I'm here for ya :)

I'd love to do an experimental full for $5 if you'd like me to? (I've been trying out texture brushes) And I really want to help out a bit <3

Thank you so much! I will keep it in mind <3

Dude oh my god I'm so sorry about that, please take care of yourself and take some time away from the screen to just take a moment

It's gonna be hard for awhile, but know you got this and if u ever need me I'm here as well 💞💞🫂🫂🫂

Thank u I really appreciate it 🫂💖

OFC :] <3<3<3

I hope everything works out for you guys./gen I don’t have much advice to give bc human relationships are hard… when I get upset I used to go snuggle with my dogs and bury my head into their fur (big doggo hugs and kisses are some of the best medicine imo), but since they’re gone I squeeze my cats as long as they let me without scratching out my eyes. So, uh my advice is find a furry friend and cuddle :)

My comms are open if you wanna give them a look. I can’t offer anything for free unfortunately bc I’m broke too, but I wouldn’t mind giving you some kind of a discount.

Don’t worry! I don’t expect anyone to give me anything for free haha, it’s my choice to spend money on artists who all deserve the money they work for. Thank you for being kind, I will keep your commissions in mind and come back later if I don’t find anything else <3

Of course! I hate seeing people upset, my brain has to at least try and comfort even though I’m never good at it lol <3

I could draw stuff for you ! I have a lot of cheaper commission options so you don’t have to spend all of ur money and i’ll add-on her as a gift! I hope you feel better ♡

Hiii staplesquid ^^ I’d love to buy a commission from you, it’s always a pleasure working with you! And no need to give me a gift, I really do appreciate it, but I don’t want to guilt-trip others into giving me stuff for free, I’d feel bad ;w; 

Are your Chibi icons still open? I’d like to get one if they’re available! ^^ https://toyhou.se/25064190.5-icon-ych

the cheeb icons r open! and dw about the character, i haven’t used her rlly and feel bad about homing since I have a lot of those kind of ocs tehe :))

Ahh I’ll commission u rn! Can you message me your paypal on discord? :0

And thank you for the gift 💖💖💖 I really appreciate it