Comments on Lil vent + looking for some pick-me-ups All Comments

I hope everything works out for you guys./gen I don’t have much advice to give bc human relationships are hard… when I get upset I used to go snuggle with my dogs and bury my head into their fur (big doggo hugs and kisses are some of the best medicine imo), but since they’re gone I squeeze my cats as long as they let me without scratching out my eyes. So, uh my advice is find a furry friend and cuddle :)

My comms are open if you wanna give them a look. I can’t offer anything for free unfortunately bc I’m broke too, but I wouldn’t mind giving you some kind of a discount.

Don’t worry! I don’t expect anyone to give me anything for free haha, it’s my choice to spend money on artists who all deserve the money they work for. Thank you for being kind, I will keep your commissions in mind and come back later if I don’t find anything else <3

Of course! I hate seeing people upset, my brain has to at least try and comfort even though I’m never good at it lol <3