Animation & Updates

Posted 4 months, 8 days ago by Lordbrianc

Greetings my lords. The past month(s) you might've seen me uploading random little animations (shitty quality at that because toyhouse hates gifs). I'm working on an animation from a scene in my story, involving Aranine, Bryn and Amon. Bryn is basically trying to defend Amon from Aranine, the former of which will appear in the next few segments.  Here's everything together so far!: 

It's been pretty challenging but rewarding nonetheless. While I have 8 main characters I'm focusing on these three and their dynamics for now, just so I can really go in depth. Eventually I'll move onto the others, but just enjoying bringing these 3 to life at the moment.  

I FINALLY found & tweaked some character profile code I'm satisfied with, just gotta write the details, and then those will be updated soon. I've been so damn picky because I really wanted it to be perfect, to not have too much information, not be too busy ect. I'm pretty happy with how it looks after so long of struggling and hype for people to see it.

Gonna take a brief break from the animating and work on some chibis of the aforementioned three characters.


duuude this looks GREAT so far omg! so beautiful!

thank you   

your animation work is incredible! i love your art and i’m excited to see what else you make!

ah thank you so much! Really love your art as well. 

aah tysm <3