hi everyone please consider commissioning me to help me out with dental care costs!! tomorrow i am getting another root canal and filling hopefully the last i am EVER getting i have been getting so much dental work done...... my teeth are in rough shape but i am finally taking care of it. it's just really really expensive so please if you're able to and interested DM me or comment here for a commission!

here's my carrd with all my prices, TOS, and link to my full portfolio, including examples of work in my regular style and 35+ other styles i can draw in!

you can also see examples of my regular work in my TH post here, examples of my work in 38 other styles on my TH post here, and you can comment in either place if you're interested in a commission! both posts include all commission info like prices and TOS!

you can DM me here for a commission or through the other contacts listed in my carrd! there's also ko-fi if you'd rather leave a donation there! thank you so so much!!!! 🙏🙏💖💖



How can your brain comprehend all these styles omfg you're so clever @_@

wahh thank you so much!! 😭😭💖💖