30$ Headshots!

Posted 2 months, 26 days ago by weremars


Offering some 30$ headshots in the style of the ones below! 10 slots - can be any species! Just comment or message me if interested. :-3



BIG EYES! Could I please get one of this oc: https://toyhou.se/3900917.morningstar 

And https://toyhou.se/5022340.bora

Absolutely!!! What sort of expressions would you be wanting for them? :-DD

Yeehaw thank you so much!

For Morningstar: a meddlesome, cunning esque expression. He’s up to something 

For Bora: gruff, stoic 

Sweet!! Thank you so much - please pay here whenever you're ready!!: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/weremars/60

Sent! Thank you so so much

Received!! Thank you so much - I'll have a WIP to you in the next few days!! :-DD

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Absolutely can do!! What sort of expression are you wanting?? :-DD

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Sounds good, absolutely can do!! Feel free to pay here whenever you're ready!: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/weremars/35

would loooove to nab one of my gal!! <3

This design is so fun omg... absolutely!!! What sort of expression would you be wanting? :-DD

<333 tysm omg! maybe something smiling/blushing?? honestly go wild! :-3

Absolutely can do!! Thank you so much - pay here whenever you're ready!!: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/weremars/30

Should be paid!!

Received!! Thank you so much - I should have a WIP to you in the next few days!