
Posted 3 months, 30 days ago by spoonfed

ᕙ(•◡•)ᕗ Happy Saturday!  Glider here, briefly coming out from under my rock!  Sneaking in just to post this, so my lil secretary Coonie can enjoy a weekend off without me crying and scattering garbage at her feets.  I hope you're all in good health and having the best vibes you can manage these days!  I am exhausted 24/7 and falling apart at the seams, but I feel halfway human having finished my last prednisone run so that's ✿ kinda winning ✿.

Coon already announced that there is a Whisp auction next week (there's 2! I think they are v cute, one is darker and the other is light neutral), but I just wanna toss out there that I have 3 flate-rate designs which will be available as well if you're not into the auction or Whisp vibe.  I don't really know how I'm going to price them yet - I don't want to undersell my time and work (it is harder for me these days to draw both in terms of free time and arthritis-time lol), but I also want to keep them affordable and accessible.  I'll do my best to try and find a happy medium!

The three will be: 1 Augur (a midnight cutie), 1 World Ender (a neutral baby), and 1 Phim (a very pink eye sizzler)!  All of them have heart motifs for Valentine's day, but I tried to have 3 very different vibes so there's hopefully a little something for everyone's preferences uwu.

A note on Phims: I've updated them!  They were kind of a blip on the radar, I only issued about 3 or so back in the day.  Their core design is still there, but I've updooted them to be more satyr-like to match my current design preferences.  I've also switched their floating armor to a more friendly banner variant.  If you happen to own one of those rare old Phims, feel free to update them to the current design standard - if you'd like to keep them in their legacy form, that's totally fine too!

Below: my children Cradle, Witte, Lirael, and Perigee showing off a teaser of the new bases~ keeping the spirit of the OG's, but freshened up a bit, I'm quite pleased with them.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll love the designs coming up in the week   .  Thank you as well for your continued support even when I was dead to the world, and thank you for being kind to Coon who is doing me a massive favor by handling this account, because I burnt out so badly before that I stopped drawing for nearly 2 years (and I'm really trying to not have that happen again).


One lil aside, because Coon handles this question fairly often: unless explicitly posted for sale via bulletin, my personal characters are not for sale! Please do not ask.  Just because I am not active online does not mean that I don't still love them, or that I do not draw/utilize them privately.  I may be a reclusive boring adult with a full time job, but I still have a crowded brain that loves to worldbuild and my babies all still live there ;w; 


Glad to see you doing well <33

Love seeing some new arts and babies hehe

I think we should form a mob and hunt this Coon-thing down. She sounds like the kind of secretary who frequently forgets to drink water but has never missed a skincare evening in her life and who, despite having a weekend off, would hop on to the account to shit talk herself in the third person for a joke :/ what a weirdo

glad to see you on! so great getting to see what's coming and wish you luck on pricing. The previews below are stunning!

It's so good to know you're okay and safe ; v ; and I'm glad Coon can help you out too! ♡ I'm so excited for these new babs and I love the new bases!!!

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