sorry for the dramatic bulletin title lol

just wanted to say that because of a rapid decline in my mental health + a broken relationship between me and art as a whole at the moment, i wont be accepting any commissions for.. at least a month or two. probably two. or maybe even three. hell maybe i'll just hold off until i graduate lol

if i owe you anything that i may have forgotten, please let me know so i can refund you or offer some sort of compromise because i cannot continue being here knowing i owe that one guy something. i NEVER want to come across as a scammer and i cant live comfortably with a guilty conscience..

i need to rebuild a healthy view on drawing, so i am only drawing for myself for now. hopefully everything gets better and i can start taking commissions and art trades and such again!


good luck w it getting better waaa i hope u will be satisfied w ur art soon ;u;; !! u got this !! draw all them arts for urself !! 🦅🦅🦅💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💥💥‼️‼️