been meaning to update the profiles for a lot of my characters for a few months now because i thought the old code and icons i had for a lot of them was kinda ugly and finally had the time to do that! 

my biggest problem really was because i couldnt find a simple and small code that i liked but recently i updated my profile by killing the code and just having this really simplistic minimalist look with just a header image(thank you NekoScrub, holds you in my hands) and some text underneath and i thought that was a really good clean look so i ended up using something similar for all my characters! this ended up taking longer than i expected(like 2 hours, jesus christ) and sadly a lot of my characters dont have that much art BUT i still think it looks really good and if you have the time to i would recommend checking it out because i updated quite a lot of the old info i had there :)


it looks really nice!!

ty!! im really happy with how they turned out ^^