Ask the TMC cast!

Posted 3 months, 30 days ago by Emerald_Chan1214

Who's your fav? ;D

1 Votes Fiona
0 Votes Brandon
0 Votes Navia
2 Votes Ravar
1 Votes Anastasia
1 Votes Cynthia
1 Votes Tori
3 Votes Seraphine

Hi hi! I love doing these for fun and I need some practice with everyone's characters, so everyone in my The Monstrous City folder is open for questions! Be silly with it or ask them something about themselves! Your choice~

Character List: Fiona, Brandon, Navia, Ravar, Anastasia, Cynthia, Tori, & Seraphine


Just based on the ones I read because I still need to find time to read the rest, I'm torn between Ravar or Cynthia :,D UUUMMMM I'm gonna say Cynthia because I'm a sucker for medical-related ocs but just know Ravar comes a really close second!

Cynthia: What would you say is your ideal date? What would be in store?

"" She played with her fingers out of nervousness. "Um...let's see...going to a p-park would be's usually really loud in the hospital,'d be nice to go somewhere a little quiet..."

Aww that's so cute! Yeah the park sounds really nice! What would you do in the park? Like a picnic? Walk around? Go on the swing?

"A p-picnic sounds nice...! Where I'm from, picnics aren't rare at all...I get to enjoy peace and quiet w-while I eat delicious food..."

Ravar, will you join me and start lots of bloodshed? Also, I have a favor, stop being a hetero – being gay is so much better.

"I have no interest in sharing kills, mind you. And who are you to think you can change who I like and who I don't?" He scoffs. "I only follow and respect my leader, and there's nothing you can do to change that."

That's quite a shame. You are no true killer. We would've reveled in the blood of those who we would've slaughtered. Seems like you'd rather miss out on the end of somebodies life than to relish in it; I would've thought a person who apparently enjoys torturing people would be up to tormenting anyone. And I do believe you have misinterpreted the term 'share,' because I had and have no intention on sharing those kills. Think of it more as we see how many people we can kill individually, while being in the same area. You have definitely been blacklisted, and I will very much enjoy finding you and changing your body so much it will look like smithereens.

Still consider it though - being bisexual isn't that bad either. No need to hide truth.


"Do you really think your pathetic threats scare me?"

The soldier spoke with a harsh tone.

"I kill who I want, when I want. I have no intentions on working with other parties anyways. You have shown no proof of gaining a reputation. Meanwhile, me and my commanding forces are feared across planets. Heard or not, I will make you regret your choice of words if you continue to piss me off."

You don't scare me. And don't tell me that I lie, because I know my feelings and self better than you will ever. I wish you luck though on your sprees of killing, though. This is goodbye.

ALSO ALSO Anastasia do you have a nervous system. and can i pat pat you

"Um...I d-do not have any human systems. Not anymore at least...but you can give m-me headpats if you want...!"

FIONAAA FIONA ILY :33 what's ur favorite hobby1!!!

"Ah, favorite hobby? Well, I love my mates in my school's tennis club and I love playing tennis, so I guess that could be my answer."

seraphine are you married

would you like to be

"Oh, how flattering...! I am not married, nor do I plan to be. However, you may imagine whatevery you like." Sera softly smiles.

ok :( ily

RAVAR SWEEP i say being the only one to have voted in the poll at the time of this going up

not surprised 😒 /silly