vague ass title i wanted to put "feelin great even tho getting set up with a guy by my friend didnt go well" tldr at the bottom

!!!!!THIS ISNT THE GUYU IM TALKING ABOUT IN THE TITLE JUST CONTEXT!!!!!: so basically last week this guy who was 18 whom i met for 30 FUCKING MINUTES at the mall wanted to take me out on a date.,..../ wgats even worse was that he wasnt even like an older senior or anything he was a COLLEGE FRESHMAN....... (im not even 17 until april and idk when he turns 19 and he barely knew me but i digress)

AND SO the next day which was last saturday (4 day weekend) i hang out with several of my other friends at the mall again (i go to the mall like everyday ) and after a few hours theres 3 of us left and ive already told them everything i found out the previous day ab the creepy college kid and they start trying to set me up with people, ill call them Kaitlyn and Cody but it was mostly kaitlyn since codys a senior and he didnt know as many people i would know but he was also tellng me i needed to get set up to stop considering college creep as an option, and kaitlyn suggests 3 people all from tech theatre cause shes in tech and knew a bunch of maidenless tech people

first guy i like kinda knew???? i thought he was gay but apparently he is just a very arrogant flamboyant bi and either way im kinda androgynous when it comes to gender. we kinda flirted as a joke but i dont think it wouldve worked tbh he has a bunch of enemies lmfao and i didnt really want to be part of that tbh 💀

seconbd guy was. the guy whom i had the hugest fucking crush on from a little year agos' LITTLE BROTHER. so no. (little brothers a sophomore im a junior btw )

THIRD GUY. was a cute guy id talked to a couple times who seemed really sweet,,,,, hes kinda short and scrawny and has curly hair a bit nerdy which i find very attractive ugh . and at first im like NO you cant set me up with anyone what if i get rejected BECAUSE !!TANGENT ALERT!!:

soimeone tried to set me up with this girl in november who i kinda new and i thought was cute and she said "um idk lol shes my friend lol" and then ghosted the p[erson trying to set me up LMAOOOOOOOO (im not laughing it was upsetting)

SO THEN over the next couple days of the long weekend i contemplated. andthen during rehearsal for the crucible on tues (long weekend remember) me and kaitlyn who is a costumer went into the costume room to "try on costumes" (i had like one thing to try on but we were in there way longer to talk ) and we came up w the idea to tell him that kaitlyn wanted to set HIM up with ME. cauyse im uh really scared of rejection lawl. and so the next day on wednesday she was supposed to ask him to let her set him up w someone then suggest me n see what he says ykyk. but he was absent another day (he was alsio absent tuesday) and she couldnt talk to him so at rehearsal that day we just decided she could do it over text. heres the messages (all of em are thru kaitlyn )


so yeah um. this was actually over a span of like wed-fri and the last text was on friday and he hasnt said anything since,,,? and its like sunday night rn. ans so ive been kinda stressing over it since then and worrying myself f someone i didnt even have a huge crush on before likes me ...

so today i was at the mall again with a few friends because i usually just go tot he mall and hang out till i find people i know then collect em like pokemon so it was me and two people who just met because i was there and so my older friend (shes a college freshman) who had a bf told me that i shouldnt be with someone/shouldnt wait on someone who left me as a "maybe" and seemed not that interested and at first i was like kinda ug idc how im treated what if he he he changes his mind or seomthing!!!!!!!!!!!!! and tben i like started to thjink about it later and realized:

WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL THINKING AB HIM SO MUCH LIKE I HAVE ACRUSH ON HIM OR SMTH!N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so duriung my commission stream today i ended it early to text kaitlyn and tell her this:


and now i feel better . even though technically theres no chance of me going on this date now whereas before there was SOME chance. i feel better now because now i dont have to wait for more rejection from someone i didnt need any fucking rejection from because i didnt even like him that much ..

so ya! my love life is shit (3 failed set up attempts and 1 creepy senior who tried to groom me) but at least im not gonna get rejected again anytime soon

tldr: creepy college freshman wanted to date me last weekend. friend tried to set me up w someone, i was hesitant for a bit then agreed, it took 3 days texting my friend to get a "maybe" out of him, today i hung out with some other friends and one of em said i shouldnt date someone who considered me a "maybe", i took her advice tonight and told her to tell him i wasnt interested in being set up anymore


Honestly, this was a mouthful to read but I'm glad you are safe!!

HI SORRJY i type fast as fuckwhen im posting ab my lief on here whops

now this is the kind of toyhouse drama i like
