art updates (again)

Posted 3 months, 24 days ago by korovce

I wanted to post a brief update on owed art progress for anyone who is waiting on art trades/commissions from me. I was feeling sick for a few weeks, which has been worse on me lately after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, then I got a likely strep infection and was in bed with a high fever for a few days. I'm still not at 100%. 

I just wanted to be transparent - I know some of my art trades, while more casual, have been pending for longer, so I want to focus on completing those when I can. Commissioners should still expect an ETA of ~1 month, possibly a little more or less, unless I reach out and mention otherwise. Still, I wanted to let people know the situation. I don't like to force work when I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to take a few more days off before I switch my focus to art again.

After I clear my current to-do list, I think I've decided I need a break for a bit so I can recharge. I'm also dealing with managing the health of a family member who may need surgery some time in April, so that's something that's been on my mind. But like I said, I don't think it will massively affect deadlines at this time. Thank you for your patience! Also, I'm a little late, but happy Pokemon Day...

I wanted to make a quick edit to add that my trello will still have my updated progress and my current projections for when I will finish/soft deadlines. I'm trying to stick to them where I can!


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