BIRTH, but for real this time.

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by aidenopossum


Technically I turn 21 at like 7:30 but shh. Who cares about that.

If anyone’s wondering about what my irl friend got me: a slugma plush and a death metal shirt! That slugma was the only slugma merch on the entire pokemon center website and the death metal shirt especially rules because I had the same shirt a while ago but lost it so it’s nice that I have my favorite shirt again!!

I have yet to decide if I want to walk to Walmart and buy a case of hard lemonade yet. I have to return something anyway but at the same time I don’t want to walk to Walmart. Bwwwh

Ok time to shut up this isn’t a diary


happy... birth (although late)

get some hard ciders too those are my favorite! if you like hard lemonade you will like hard cider as well :)

Snsjfjggmdh ok I’ll keep that in mind!! I’ll try hard lemonade first because I’m pretty sure I’ll like that and if I do I’ll try cider!! Just gotta find some time to walk to the store is all

Thank you for the belated birthday wishes btw uwu 



slugma stans unite

also happy birthday i keep thinking you're like 25 still

Good morning to fellow slugma stans ONLY

also 😳 I didn’t know i came across as being that much older than I really am woah

(And thanks for the well wishes uwu)

happy birthday!! and oooh, a Slugma plush sounds wild, but I love it.... gotta stan merch for the less popular Pokemon species- 😔😔

Thanks!! And you gotta take what you can get when your favorite Pokémon is one that gamefreak/TPC never acknowledges 😔

np and god that is like. the biggest fucking mood.... imagine having 800+ species and only making steady merch for a handful smh. 😤

HBD !! :D 🎊🎉

Thank you!!!!