I'm losing sleep over this so-

Posted 2 months, 3 days ago by Hackwolfin

I was recently accused of supporting Israel, which is just a blatant lie. It makes me highly uncomfortable to be accused of supporting genocide. Free Palestine. Call for a ceasefire. Stop taking their land. For anyone wishing for more information about how long this has been going on, I recommend this video: https://youtu.be/Xflb7C8x2IY?si=GLxVfVJo6gPtoG1l

I don't want to go into details because I don't want to give the mods more problems, I don't know where the accusations come from. So I'm not including the other things they wrongfully accused me of.

I'm just scared I'm going to wake up to a lot of drama. I'm being accused of supporting genocide for Pete's sake and I don't know why. How do I even prove that I don't??? Do I like, point to the comment I made on the PayPal boycott thread in service reviews??? Do I have to share who I follow on other sites to show I'm keeping well informed???

I just don't know what to do ;;-;;

Please don't ask for more information. I don't want to cause issue or make a call out post. I'm just in a bit of a panic and I'm worried someone has fake screenshots of me or something. ;;-;;


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Aw no! I'm sorry ;; that's awful! I hope it all settles down soon!!

I'm hoping nothing becomes of it, I was reported to a server and got banned for the reason above, along with others.

While that sucks, I hope that's honestly the end of it. The message was quite hurtful, but I still hope that's the extent of things.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

I've seen wild accusations of other people in other places and its absolute bs. Some of it is purposeful to target specific people but some of it is people just wildly accusing people for no reason just to stir drama. It sucks and I'm so sorry you're dealing with wild accusations like that

Yeah, I have a loosely idea why I was targeted, that or I was majorly misunderstood. I'm so confused about the whole issue, because nothing makes sense 

I saw your raaposne to others - that sucks but it's 100% on them that they ban without even consulting you to find out if there's even any truth to the accusations