Winter 2024 Progress Report

Posted 2 months, 30 days ago by TheShadowRai

Heyo, here's a progress report of all the changes I've made in the last couple months!

Nova's full bio has been added! The only unavailable section is his story, which is still a WIP. In addition, Poppy's bio was recently updated with more information, including a detailed personality section! I've also added separate tabs for OCs with outdated designs so they don't get mixed in with their current ones.

So far these bios have been updated with a new theme:

  • Poppy
  • Marshie
  • Hoopa
  • Roto
  • Tetsu
  • Vex
  • Nova

I'm still planning on making a page here for worldbuilding + lore, but it's probably gonna be a while before I actually do it since it's gonna require a LOT of writing and I'm burned out from writing rn.

Finally, I decided to give the members of Team RLP (Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio) actual nicknames in order to help distinguish them a bit more! The plan is to give them names that still sound similar to their species names. So far, Popplio's name has been changed to Poppy! I'm heavily considering the name Rowan for Rowlet, but haven't made a final decision yet. No idea what I'm doing for Littten though rip lmao

That's all for now! Thanks for reading!


Poppy is such a cute nickname! And I like the nickname Rowan for Rowlet, since there’s also that connection to the grass typing, but it is up to you! Litten is a hard one to think of a name for though, I agree 😭

Thank you! She's named after my first starter pokemon (a Popplio named Poppy). I thought it would be nice to pay homage to her!

I'm really leaning towards Rowan for Rowlet because of the association with nature (and the Row-part of the name)! I'm sure I'll come up with something for Litten eventually, I'm kinda just waiting for inspiration to strike at this point lol