comics & stuff

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by itchy

So, with all these short comics & scenes I've been doing for my Purple Heart story I tend to draw them as they come to me (or when I feel like it XD) rather than actually making sure I draw them out in chronological order. I realize this could be confusing for people when looking at the pages in my galleries, and it's also a pain for me to always make sure I have them arranged properly, so I made a "literature" here to show what (approximate) order everything happened in. I'll still also upload the pages to the character profiles as I've been doing, but if you're ever confused about the story just check back there to see how it is meant to be read!   

...tbh I know it's not the greatest solution, but after spending hours trying to figure the best way to sort this shit out I thought this was the easiest choice for me, and it was the only good option I saw when looking through the forums.    I also like that I can easily rearrange the "chapters" as I upload new comics to show their proper order. I'm also considering (when I feel less lazy   ) putting all the pages of my Run Thru the Jungle comic up here and then using the literature thing to sort them too. Never mind, I have begun uploading it. XD DA sucks and I don't plan to use it anymore, so I would like to have it posted here with the rest of my art. At this time I don't feel like making any accounts on any actual comic posting sites, especially since I'm not sure when I'll start working on the Jungle comic again (it would feel weird to go through the trouble of uploading a comic that's on "hiatus." XD)

EDIT: Yeah, as I said, DA sucks now, so I decided to put all my stuff there into storage except for the Run Thru the Jungle and Rebel Rebel comics. I'll also be uploading some older art I found on DA, so I apologize in advance for the spam!   

