Posted 3 months, 6 days ago by Awkwardbutters


A twist on Warrior Cats RP Groups

Long before the times you know now...

Before Starclan, before medicine cats and leaders, clans worked differently.

Two clans along the coast of Hydra, Greece. One lived and hunted on sandy beaches, the other along the cliffs by the sea. Many generations back they lived side by side, created by brothers. Now, war is all that is left in the clans memories.

Each new leadership brings a new era, and not long into the rule of Kings Lunarsea and Solarsky, things have begun to get... interesting.

Purpose: roleplay / story creation / art share
Membership: will open when the story is planned out for a year
Join the list to be notified: Google Form (we need your Discord or TH!)
Content Warnings: This group is 18+ and may contain topics such as gore, abuse from one character to another, drinking (fermented fruit), usage of herbs for not-so-innocent purposes, and more


The clans have worshiped the gods for as long as they can remember.

For many days of the year they celebrate the gods in festivals, worship through sacrifice, and honor in battle. There has never been a reason not to thank the beings who bring to us a greenleaf to feast and a leafbare to not grow weak.

But not everyone wishes to thank the gods for their life.


WC:O has been built from the ground up by jojostar and gypeli

We are partners in life and work. Odyssey was created from ideas that made us happy, things we wanted to try and do. The server's purpose is to create a world and community we love, that is the plan.

W:CO is a huge project, with a custom map, custom discord bot, and a story that explores things we've never seen before. We want this to break the mold, to be different and unique. To push outselves to create a story all can enjoy.

Credits: code by octopi