Hey there

Posted 2 months, 28 days ago by Lavender-Skunk

I know life is rough right now. The world is on fire, those in power and/or with money don't really care about most of us, and everything feels pretty hopeless. 

No one knows where things are going right now and it's scary. Terrifying.
We don't need the false hope of "things always get better!" because in reality, sometimes they don't. 

But just remember, you're not alone in all of this. A majority of people on this planet are going through this worldwide rough patch.
Some have it better, some have it worse.
But, don't focus on that. Just because someone "has it worse" than you do right now, that doesn't mean your struggles are invalid.

Everyone is fighting their own battles. Some are all-out wars, some are mere scuffles. But, some wars are on smooth ground while some scuffles are uphill. 

At the end of the day, no one knows the depths of your struggles. Likewise, you don't know the depths of someone else's struggles. 

For everyone's sake, let's try to be kind to one another.

Who knows, you may make someone's day, or even save their life. 

Life is so much better when we treat it as a shared journey rather than a constant competition.
Celebrating the victories of others as opposed to seeking how we can "win" even more than them. 

A little bit of positivity can go a long way.
So, I hope, if you see this post in your inbox or just happen across my profile, that some positive vibes warm your heart while reading this.

I hope you have a great day.
Don't give up!


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