
Posted 2 months, 24 days ago by N0AHEART

Lol!!! I'm getting SUPER unmotivated by everything I do.

I don't think I will someday will be recognized, I don't even believe it. I know it's a low procession but still I think I should just give up and kms :/

I have a pretty low self-esteem and everything I look at my art, I think "wow, what a SHIT I made!" And honestly I don't know why I kept drawing when I won't go in any path.

I compare my artstyle with others, my shading with others...an big jealousy.

And about ocs, I don't even need to say it. All shitty and crappy but somehow a big attachment..? I don't understand it, I don't see a REASON WHY IM STILL HERE

Taking just a break doesn't help too, school is also killing me, I never open to someone and I won't be, my entire life being based by having friends for pure lucky and self isolation. I don't even know if I really deserve friends at all. It seems like I'm not as how people describe me, I think I just should give up.

It's funny, the fact that loneliness has been with me since childhood, I kept asking myself why I don't have friends, should I have friends? I always had felt lonely but that's what I deserve at all.

I'm not expecting anything in future, i'ii just kept the same path as always :| 

I hate myself.


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