UPDATE: Got the account back!

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by Akemie

Yeah... Paypal just banned my account due to "unsatisfied customers" lol. 

I don't have customers, I just did a single commission which was not refunded or something. 

Pretty weird. I have no idea what to do because I can't call them due to my social anxiety ;W;

Anyway can someone recommend a different payment website like paypal? >w<'

Update: My bf just called the customer service of paypal and they told us the ban was automated and it could be a mistake. I will get an email shortly to dispute everything. Wish me luck!

Update 2: Got my account back, it was a faulty system :'D


Yeah! I'm in a similar spot– though it's because I couldn't verify stuff (still won't let me fix that), if it's not a permant limitation then go to PayPal resolution center, they should've sent you an email there, and you can probably resolve it w/o contacting an agent. Or you can send an email to them via the resolution center.

If not, there are CashApp and Vemno. CashApp is really simple to set up, and I don't have any clue about Vemno, though I've heard it's pretty good. There's also Zelle, which depends on your bank you probably already have (at least in the U.S.). 

CashApp is the good second option, in my opinion. Though there's not really a business default if PayPal limits your account. ^^'