Anyone want free art?

Posted 5 months, 18 days ago by Solminol

edit: just want to add a note that this bulletin is always open no matter how long it's been, so don't be afraid to post even if it's been a while!


Hi all, I need some new examples for comms, but I don't really want to draw my own OCs. I was considering doing one of those fav for art things but I'd rather do art for anyone who follows me here first before doing that lol

Art will be of various types in various styles. atm I'm still figuring things out but for sure I want to do some avatar/icons and colored sketches at least. Style wise, I want to do some vintage inspired things and also maybe some painterly stuff.

Just comment with some characters (or link a folder) you'd like art of! I'll draw whatever for the most part. Though if anyone happens to have any Pouflons ARPG characters or Flight Rising dragons, I'd love to draw them! (I want more coins in pouflons and also I'm considering opening an art shop on FR lol). As these are free, I can't promise art for everyone. Also it'll be really random when/if you get art from me lol, can be within a day of posting or like weeks afterwards!

(btw if you want to actually throw money at me instead for guaranteed art my commissions are open!!! )


art of the ic guy would be so awesome ...

I got a few simple characters if you would like to draw them!
My mongoose mascot:  Vinnie (Who you've drawn before actually<3)
Two green animals that would fit very well in a plant-filled environment: Green Dog, and Swamp Cat
And a little goopy friend named.. well, Goop

You are also welcome to draw any of my other characters (I don't have much to look through if that is a concern <3) ^^
I know you said you are likely to get experimental and stuff with these and I want to further assure you to go ham with that. Change up palettes, species, I do not care! My only no-nos are gore and the extremes (nsfw). Minor blood and stuff is cool though. The characters I linked and a few others have further drawing details in-case you need them. ^^

Thank you for the opportunity! And I hope you have fun with these regardless of who's characters you're drawing :D

Juusttt in-case you are still searching, my sister also has a TONNN of cat characters and animals in general- feral and anthro:
She doesn't know about this so any art would be a surprise to her ~

I have tons of characters here, and I’d love art of anyone!

i’d absolutely love art of than!

If you are still open I have This big folder of beans to pick from to draw!

perhaps any of these 3 if youre still looking for some ^^

Though really anyone in my TH outside of the sales and WIP's folder is fair game if anyone else grabs your attention more c: 

If you're still looking for characters to draw, feel free to draw any of them > w <

hehe pouf arpg characters you say? -smirk-

you can pick any of mine (other than marshmallow since he has gift art off until he's finally adult)

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ngl I was considering posting an ad in the server at first but then decided against it because I also wanted the chance to draw characters that aren't bellacostians

I be needing coins though lol so after I do some stuff here and clear current comms I may pop up in the server 👀

If you still need any others to do, feel free to do any of my characters;

If you wanted to do background/plant stuff in particular this character has a bunch of stuff for inspiration;

same with this one but a focus on fungi/moss (a lot of the above photos would work with this character too);

Hello!! I have a bunch of pouflons here if any interest you- thank you SO much for the chance, I absolutely love your art and am looking forward to seeing what you come up with !!

okay so I really wanted to grind some coins so I kinda uhhhh drew a lot of pigeons for you. I was really just gonna draw one but then I got carried away because I was having too much fun drawing a pouf again lol. hope you enjoy the art!!!

ASDHFGJKLDSAJSDFNGHDS oh my gosh. this is the best thing ever thank u SO much this has made my entire week. pigeon my baby !!!!!!!!! she looks so cute in your style!!!! i love the little chibis (and the appowl!!!) I always love seeing the ones you do as your toyhouse icons omg ... seeing pigeon in that style is so wonderful... and the more detailed pieces too your shading as always is STUNNING i love the way you play with sketchy areas and areas of pure black!!! sooo striking and lovely.. the one in the top row with her eye closed i can not stop staring at she is so eepy sleepy she looks so cute.. sobs

If there is any chance you have a transparent version at all, I would love to use a couple of these as pagedolls/ on her profile! But TOTALLY fine if not this is so amazing and i am so so appreciative, thank you SO SO much AAAAAA!!!!!

Ah, here's a transparent version! I did have to turn off the lighting layers on bottom left because it did not work with the transparency though. Feel free to crop/flip/resize/etc. as needed!

And I'm glad you like the art!!! I genuinely had a lot of fun drawing all the pigeons, and it sure got my brain back into pouf mode, haha

Eee thank you so so much I really appreciate it!! I'm really glad you had a fun time drawing her as well <333

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>I wish I had to ploufs but a lof them are like... y'know sold for rela  money, money that I don't have so, sadly I can never get my hands on  one, and I always forget to make my starter or whatever it was, idk I  din't complete the tutorial

just wanna reply to this real quick because poufs actually have an adoption center where newbies can grab a baby for free (you have to choose to get a "foundlings seal" from the FTO box in order to exchange for one)! the babies are designed by other users (and some of mine are still up for grabs! :) ) 

no joke though I will actually offer to design your starter for you if you want lol, I could always use more examples for my design commissions

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Ooh Flight Rising dragons? I’d love to see your take on my favorite dragon, Wolfe!

And then everyone in my Pouflon ARPG!

Thank you so much for the opportunity! if you feel like drawing any humanoids for practice!! The druids (Ori, Dama, and Friend) all have animal forms too tho (Friend has no refs for those but just - make any animal white and fluffy w their eyes)

this is super cool of you 👀 !!! i would love art of anyone here, if any of them take your fancy :D

oh rad, thanks kindly for offering the chance! :D any of my beebs would be lovely, really, but I do be enjoying my dragons a lot these days <3

hehehee :3

appreciate the chance, cant wait to see who you draw! love your art man

Ty for the chance I love your art very much!! If you could draw any of these guys I would be honored ^^

Thank you for the chance! You’re so nice ^^ 

Everyone from here I love immensely and they mean a lot to me I always love seeing art of them <33

Have a great day!

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hhhh louis wain is one of my biggest inspirations!!! so of course I had to draw lovelace for you! did an avatar since I'm trying to figure out a style for it

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thank you for the chance! I have some pouf characters here, any that are named are open for gift art

or if any of my other characters here interest you to draw, feel free to!

also, do you have some examples or a price for chibis? I can't purchase a commission right now but would definitely be interested in a couple humanoid chibis at some point!

ah, I don't really have any recent examples for chibis atm! I'm still trying to figure out what my chibi style even is, as I have different levels of simplification/stylization and I'm not sure which one I'd like to offer for proper chibi commissions. price wise though they'd probably start at ~$15.

since you mention humanoid chibis though I do have this art from 2020 which is still a pretty decent representation of my humanoid chibi style!

Gotcha, totally understand that! This all answers what I wanted to know, thank you! I just like to at least have an idea of price and such, so thank you! The example you posted is super cute 💜 I'll send a message when I'm able to get a commission!

Some of these guys are probably familiar but would love something new from you if you are feeling it!! Thanks for the chance!
Cinema on Toyhouse

alrighty I wanted to try doing an avatar, so here's one of Aureliov!!! (because I'm biased and wanted to draw my own design lmao)

Omg that's so good!! Thank you so much I love this ✨