Second MYO event!

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by FlNCH-FACE

Greetings fishies!

Welcome to the Second Phish-Keeper MYO event exclusively on Toyhouse!
This event is for everyone, not just first time owners, so if you would like to make your own Phish-Keeper you are more than welcome to join in! Best of all, it’s Completely FREE!

Please make sure to read through the list of rules below if you would like to take part.


  • Comment on this bulletin if you would like to claim a MYO slot for this event.
  • Sketches must be DM’d & checked before they are submitted, to see if they fit with the current guides and follow design rules. Please DM FlNCH-FACE with your sketch to get it approved.
  • Deadline for this event is December 25th, so make sure to have your sketches & final designs submitted before this date.
  • Every person who leaves a comment on this journal will be granted 1 MYO slot each, these are not allowed to be Sold or Traded during this event. These will become unusable beyond the 25th December.
  • If you would like to participate, you must be a member of the Phish-Keeper world!
  • Not necessary, but if you would like to make a post promoting this event to your friends, feel free! The more participants the merrier!!
Designing Rules:
  • Participants must stick to a REAL LIFE aquatic creatures for this event! Anything small/medium sized is fine.
  • Please do not use jellyfish or Octopi/Cuttlefish/Squid for this event, as their design specifics have not yet been finalised!
  • Every user is allowed up to 1 Unique trait each, a unique trait can be any defining feature on a P-K that makes them different from others!
    (For example, Saber teeth on a sharp toothed fish P-K could be their unique trait, or similarly a distinctly and unusually shaped dorsal fin. Other unique traits can exist, please ask if you’re uncertain).
  • No wings or unnatural colours/patterns can be used in the design.
  • Please reference this folder as much as possible when designing, any questions you have about their anatomy feel free to DM the world or Head Admin FlNCH-FACE.
Fish to use:
  • Any Fish / Shark / Eel / Crustaceans / Frogs - Toads / Axolotl / Newts
  • Dolphins / Whales / Belugas - Manatees / Sea slugs / Mantarays - Stingrays / Sea snakes / Crocodilians
Please DO NOT use:
  • Octopi, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Squid, Starfish, Snails, Prehistoric creatures, Marine mammals (otters / beavers / penguins / seals-sea lions / walrus)
Slot Holders:



Raptorwolf-AML (COMPLETED)

VileKeyKeeper (COMPLETED! )



CanisChiroptera (DEADLINE MISSED)

lophiusdragon (COMPLETED! )

Wyrmsketch (COMPLETED! )


Floofiedog ( COMPLETED! )

HailstormDeath (COMPLETED!)

PricklyWallflower (DEADLINE MISSED)

Keep those tails shakin’

Finchley 💙


Commiserations to Woofingboof KanjisDoodles Night_Machina CanisChiroptera Ironslate PricklyWallflower, you missed the deadline for this event!

Your MYO slots are now Null and Void, meaning they can no longer be used.
We hope to see you again next time, thank you for your interest in this species and in this event! know what happened but next time tho :D

oh no!  I can't believe I missed this. Looking forward to the next event! :)

We’ll definitely have another one soon, you’ll have the best opportunity to see them if you join the world!

Raptorwolf-AML Woofingboof VileKeyKeeper KanjisDoodles Night_Machina CanisChiroptera Ironslate HailstormDeath PricklyWallflower 

You have 5 days left to complete your MYO’s, after the 25th your slots will become Null and Void, and will be unusable & un-sellable. If you have sketches ready for approval, please get them sent to FlNCH-FACE as soon as possible!

I believe I sent you my sketch for approval? The mosaic axolotl one? : 0 Please tell me if I need to finish the sketch (I mean line and, well, make a proper ref), cause I thought I'll just need a sketch, and now am confused xd

Ohhhh yes you did, I’m so sorry! I must have forgotten to update the Bulletin with your completed entry! No you don’t, your current sheet is fine, I’m so sorry again for the mix up ;u; 💙💙

Ahhh it's okay!! 💙 Stuff happens xddd

All fixed now, you’re marked as Complete and everything’s good!

Thanks for reminding me, I also appreciate the understanding!! Still love your little Axolotl OC ahhh so cute 💕💕💕

oh, I didn't know I had THIS much time to do the sketch! I'll try to whip something up and send it your way

Sure thing!

I'd love a slot

Claiming C:

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Thanks again & will do :3

Are there any ref sheets for the Unique traits ?

Not yet unfortunately, since Unique traits can be anything that makes the character Unique so its quite a broad spectrum. Feel free to experiment or comment your ideas and I’ll let you know if they’re usable!!

got ya okie  thanks C:

Claiming! Thank you uwu

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Claiming a slot!

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

could I have a slot? these guys look so cute

Of course, though make sure to join the World to get the most out of your Phish-Keeper!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and feel free to ask any questions if you get stuck or confused.

I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

I like a slot.

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

oooooh i wanna enter plz :D

i think i will choose a deep sea dragonfish, gulper eel, or barreleye

Of course! Some nice choices there btw!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Ooh I'd love to snag another, please! So many awesome sea creatures, gonna be hard to choose! :D

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Hi! I'm not going to be able to make the deadline I'm afraid, the next couple months are gonna be kinda hectic for me, bahaha

Thank you so much for the opportunity! <3

Hello there, thank you for letting me know!

I think I might end up extending the deadline to finish around the 25th instead, since a lot of people haven‘t had the time to complete their entries. If this helps at all, please do let me know!

Even if you can’t make this new deadline, we will be having another event sometime early next year, thank you so much for your interest <33

I may be able to do it with the extended deadline! Took on a lot of work this month, bahaha, so I can't readily promise anything but who knows? :D

I'd love to get a love-!

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Hey, sorry I won't be able to do it at all

Hey, sorry I won't be able to do it at all

Hey, sorry I won't be able to do it at all

Hey, sorry I won't be able to do it at all

Hi, I'm very sorry I couldn't participate to your MYO at all I am too busy right now... :c

Have a great day-

Hello there, thank you for letting me know!

I think I might end up extending the deadline to finish around the 25th instead, since a lot of people haven‘t had the time to complete their entries. If this helps at all, please do let me know!

Even if you can’t make this new deadline, we will be having another event sometime early next year <33

slot ple\ase

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

I'd like a slot as well OwO

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

This user's account has been closed.

Omg yes you can!!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Just letting you know, if you’d like to make a P-K please join this world as a member!

That way you’ll have the best access to species events, in world buyable items and prompts! <33

I'd like a slot!

(I have a Phish Keeper, but I sent a request to join the world)

Of course! This event is for everyone, regardless if you’ve entered the last MYO event or not!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33

Hello, I'd like a slot! My username is Krazy-Times on dA :) tagging Garnet-Chan because she likes closed species too c:

Of course!

Please remember to follow the Ref sheets / Guides where you can and I hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing your sketch <33