Charadex v1.5 is Out!!

Posted 5 months, 8 days ago by cheeriko


You can get started here! And it would be nice if you could comment or bump my forum post about it here!!

And big thanks to everyone for their support!!! > w < ///


A very exciting update, thank you so much for all your work again! I just have a quick question (I'm so sorry if these should be only in the dedicated Discord and such, if it's required I'll join, I just prefer to keep my Discord servers down to the absolute minimum)

I was wondering, with this version, is the Github repository needed even if your public website that you host this on lets you import JS files and imports the info from sheets just fine? I've never used Github, and I'd rather not add a third site to the mix, so if it's needed in 1.5, I assume the best option is to just use the previous version?

Thank you again for your time, and sorry for all the questions!

You're totally fine! I'm happy to answer questions anywhere <3

And that should definitely work! I've only included Github because it's the easiest way to get a website up and going, but as long as whatever site your hosting on takes .html, .js, and .css files, - it should run just fine!

Thank you so much, you're very kind! And that's a relief to hear <3

hehe glad i could help !! <33