adopts + comms update

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by Lovenovaz

hey!! if you have been following me for a while now you probably have noticed that recently i have barely been posting compared to how actively i used to and its for a good reason, recently things changed quite a bit around the house with one of my familiars passing and me going back to studying so because of that will be changing my adopt schedules a bit, i never really had a predetermined schedule or anything i just liked to post at least 3 times a week but now since will be focusing more on my studies will instead be focusing more on things like batches, gachas and commissions

this is definitely for the better as for several months now i have been feeling quite awful and like i was being forced to work on adopts due to needing the money but due to the situation we are currently in and the fact i have thankfully been very lucky with getting commissions recently i wont have to focus so much on that anymore, from now on instead of posting several times a week will be aiming more for quality and will just come out every once in a while with designs i like instead of trying to just get anything out there

and yes this will mean that from now on my prices will most likely be raising a decent amount for adopts since will only be posting designs im proud of so maybe consider checking out my current adopts again since there are a decent amount of cheap fellas here

recently i have also been updating my kofi a bit and cleaning things up and it is currently the only place you can get custom pokemon bases in the style i do them at Casanovaz so maybe consider checking it out or my other comm types


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