Posted 2 months, 4 days ago by AmongUs

Frequently asked question

Q: What are NPCs?
A: NPCs are non playable genos that are used in breeding and battling. They are typically not meant to be designed, and doing so would need an import ticket.

Q: Can I design my geno with (x)?
A: In short, yes! In long, small things such as accent colors, hair, and eye color can be used! Since we have no design checks, you could technically go as wild as you want!

Q: What has to be the base coat color and what doesn’t?
A: Pretty much everything but eyes! With traits, you can also make it so that;
Elementals’ elemental parts (fire, water, etc) can be a more natural color
Plants’ plants can be any color
(Add more examples here)

Q: What are daily rolls?
A: Daily rolls are like art rolls, but for free once a day! Restarting Pacific Standard Time, from when you commented, not the reply

Q: How do art rolls work?
A: Basically, you do artwork and get a random reward for it when you turn it in!

Q: Does artwork need to be colored to turn in for rolls?
A: Nope! Colored artwork and non colored artwork can be turned in for rolls all the same

Q: Stickman vs Thiccman Style?
A: You’re free to draw either! They’re both redeemable for the same rolls. Stickman style is more low effort and quicker, drawing a stickman as an actual stick figure, while Thiccman style gives more detail to the body and is thus a bit more effort and more time. Neither style rewards more than the other, as said above

Q: Can I redeem references and/or explore artwork for rolls?
A: Yes to both! You can redeem refs and explore for rolls!


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