Stickman Thiccman's Bulletins

Mod Rewards

Posted 1 month, 16 days ago by AmongUs

Once a month, a mod may claim a semi custom Geno!

Chose either a base and one trait or two traits and the rest will be randomly rolled!


Posted 2 months, 1 day ago by AmongUs

Frequently asked question

Q: What are NPCs?
A: NPCs are non playable genos that are used in breeding and battling. They are typically not meant to be designed, and doing so would need an import ticket.

Q: Can I design my geno with (x)?
A: In short, yes! In long, small things such as accent colors, hair, and eye color can be used! Since we have no design checks, you could technically go as wild as you want!

Q: What has to be the base coat color and what doesn’t?
A: Pretty much everything but eyes! With traits, you can also make it so that;
Elementals’ elemental parts (fire, water, etc) can be a more natural color
Plants’ plants can be any color
(Add more examples here)

Q: What are daily rolls?
A: Daily rolls are like art rolls, but for free once a day! Restarting Pacific Standard Time, from when you commented, not the reply

Q: How do art rolls work?
A: Basically, you do artwork and get a random reward for it when you turn it in!

Q: Does artwork need to be colored to turn in for rolls?
A: Nope! Colored artwork and non colored artwork can be turned in for rolls all the same

Q: Stickman vs Thiccman Style?
A: You’re free to draw either! They’re both redeemable for the same rolls. Stickman style is more low effort and quicker, drawing a stickman as an actual stick figure, while Thiccman style gives more detail to the body and is thus a bit more effort and more time. Neither style rewards more than the other, as said above

Q: Can I redeem references and/or explore artwork for rolls?
A: Yes to both! You can redeem refs and explore for rolls!

Art Roll Redeem (2)

Posted 2 months, 19 days ago by AmongUs

Note to self: When it gets too laggy, make a new one but don’t delete this one

Earning Art Rolls:
Fullbody: +3 Rolls
Halfbody: +2 Rolls
Headshot: +1 Roll
Shading: +1 Roll
Background: +2 Rolls
Each 100 Words: +1 Roll

Animation: By Frame*
*Unless the frames are copy/pasted or too similar (In which case, you’d get +1 Roll on top of the other rolls (for example, if you did a Halfbody with a blinking animation, that would be 3 Rolls total))

Rewards Pool:

1-15) 100-500 Coins
16-25) 1 Geno
26-30) 2 Genos
31-40) NPC Encounter
41-50) 500-1,000 Coins


Inventory Name:
Number of Rolls: 

The Arena

Posted 3 months, 19 days ago by AmongUs

Okay yall this is a big work in progress but I’m adding battling!!!

Requirements to battle: At least one designed Geno, and an opponent — be they another member (must also have a designed Geno) or one of your own stickmen (requires both to be designed) or an NPC slot (does not require a design, but will count as ‘using up’ that slot)

Process of Battling: Each player participating must make a battle piece, with the requirements of it being at least two half bodies (of the stickmen battling) with a background. Alternatively, two players may collaborate on a single piece, otherwise two pieces must be made (one for each participant). If battling yourself or an NPC, only one piece is required.
Winner/Loser will be decided by a coin flip, and both get rewards… even if you’re fighting yourself in which case you get two rewards lol

Rewards of Battling:

With Another Player (Winner)
1) Doubled art rewards (must give a link to the comment in art redeem)
2) 10,000 Coins
3) Trait Adder (Chosen)
4) Recruitment Token (recruits an NPC)

With Another Player (Loser)
1) 5,000 Coins
2) Trait Adder (Random)
3) Trait Remover

With Yourself (get two reward rolls)
1) 10,000 Coins
2) Trait Adder (Random)
3) Recruitment Token (recruits an NPC)

With NPC (Winner)
1) 10,000 Coins
2) NPC is impressed and joins you as a Geno
3) Trait Adder (Chosen)

With NPC (Loser)
1) 5,000 Coins
2) Trait Remover


Posted 3 months, 21 days ago by AmongUs

Greetings members of Stickman Thiccman, I have great news! We now have a (pretty bare bones) Discord server!

Discord Server

Mod Applications Open!

Posted 4 months, 18 days ago by AmongUs

Please help me I mean uhhh

I’ll update this later with more info and a form but. Help.

What You Can Do/Offer:
Any Experience?:
What You’d Want As Payment: 

Note that I can only give in game things for payment

Loremasters (EVENT)

Posted 4 months, 19 days ago by AmongUs

Welcome one and all, to our first event!

In this event, you’ll be writing fun lore for your, or others, stickmen! Of course, you’ll get prizes for writing lore, in addition to the normal art reward rolls you get normally! While this event is writing based, we will have a future art based event.

Participating in the event is quite simple! All you’ve got to do is write up biographies for your characters, write up a description of what their world is like, or other such things! We even have a forum for headcanons for other’s stickmen, which you get rewards if you participate in during the event.

So what are you waiting for? Get writing!


-Random Genos
-Coins (1,000 - 10,000)
-Import Tickets
-Semi Custom Genos (choose a base or choose one trait)

Comment below with a link to your post in the headcanon game to get a prize!
Comment below with a link to your writing of lore to get a prize!
*remember to include your inventory name(s)


Posted 5 months, 11 days ago by AmongUs

January 15th 2024

Hi this is your captain speaking, We now have 30 total traits, Adventuring is as finished as I can make it (more prompts will be added), and I will be working on multiple inventories soon. Thank you for listening, have a great day!

Inventory Mistakes

Posted 5 months, 16 days ago by AmongUs

Mistakes can happen! Comment below if your inventory has a mistake

Inventory Name:

Item Use (1)

Posted 5 months, 23 days ago by AmongUs

Note to self: When it gets too laggy, make a new one but don’t delete this one

Inventory Name:
Item Using:
Geno Using On: (if applicable)