Moving Accounts Kinda

Posted 1 month, 11 days ago by 7thFromTheSpectrum

So I’ve decided to move my main account. I’ve been wanting to rebrand for a little bit and try out a new username.

New account is PopRocksSooda 

  • I want to make some more 1 off and non-base adopts like the doodle dragon I posted earlier this month. However, I don’t want them to get drowned out with my base adopts. Plus I still like making smaller base adopts. (They’re fun for me). I feel bad spamming ya’ll with 40 notifications for them. Since I usually make batches of 10 - 20 it’s a lot of notifications.
  • So I'm turning this account into more of a shop account for all my old & new base adopts
    • All my goobers and stuff are going to be moved over there

 PopRocksSooda is going to be my oc and actual art

Anyway, thank you for stopping by and reading hope y'all have a good day or night.


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