TOS update

Posted 15 days, 7 hours ago by cytoplasm

Added a section to my general TOS

- “Do NOT trade my characters to anyone who supports or condones nazis, pedophilia and the like. NEVER use my designs for making light of abuse, incest, pedophilia etc. I do not and never will support any of those things, so I never want to see my designs used to uplift those kinds of people.“

As a side note, I’d obviously prefer if you didnt interact if you make that kind of content. Awareness/ stories where these topics are handled seriously are amazing, and you guys are doing God’s work - but please do not interact if you’re making any kind of fetish content with these themes.
You can find my TOS under any and all of my designs, if you’d like to skim the whole thing.

Thank you! I apologise for the serious post, some people on this platform are genuinely shocking…


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