Art trades?

Posted 22 days, 18 hours ago by Monoshi

Anyone wanna art trade?.....ik i'm swamped with comms rn but I'd like something to work on the side when taking a break from comm work!

Moots are preferred but I can art trade with anyone o7

Just lmk what you'd like to trade [chibi, fullbody, etc] and the character!

You're also free to pick whichever one of my characters you'd like to draw o7

I'll dm you if I accept! Unlimited atm as well!


if ur still available for art trade, feel free to dm me^^ id be down
i have a feeling you would like ma oc crypt alot, but you can choice anyone u like + no stress completing anything too

HI! your art is jus so cool...........pls art trade
art examples in art tab 
If you accept, pls draw anyone here!:

I've actually been meaning to comm u but i have no money omg T_T If you're not busy w stuff, maybe fullbody 4 fullbody with this dude ? or anyone here is fine. I'll provide the pattern for da textures 🫡

if you'd like to hear an un-oomf out.. bust or halfbody mayhaps. but im fine with whatever !! you could have free range of my characters too [looks away at how ive commed you a lot for one of them] i trust your judgement. i aint got wysiwyg on so here's a plain link to my art if you'd like to see some examples: :salute:

I'd be very interested in an art trade! Likely just a halfbody if that's okay? Art examples here, and I'd love to have you draw my character Luz!