comms open /important

Posted 1 month, 7 days ago by COMMISSIONS jsims

hi ao i have 30 cents in my bank accordinf to my ma. I need to buy food, i had way less money than i thought, i thought i was safe. comms 25% off. please share if you cannot afford, i need to eat ;; :[


Hi! I really wanna help! Could I buy a custom? I'll explain what I'm looking for once you respond^^

yes you can

Tysm! I was curious if you could do a frutiger aero cow with a blue screen face/visor similar to a protogen? Frutiger aero is an aesthetic like "the old future" you'd get a better idea from looking it up though. Is that doable? I can send money to you right away!^^

alright, but since you werent very specofic and very vauge it may not look exactly how you want (im bad with vaugue) dm me kn discord for payment details, jonathan.sims

I also completed a sketch

Got it! I'll send a friend request right away

I don't have cashapp :{{ but I wanna comm you if I get it (or if DA let's you turn points back into USD)

Skedaddles to submit a bulletin

i have paypal too :3

Oh— Okay!
could I comm you after I get a ref done for the guy i wanna comm you for? :D

(idm if you don’t hold a spot for me tho, if other ppl comm you right away than they get that slot ^^)

depends on the comm, i onky want ro wait if uts worth more money if that makes senae

Yep that makes sense :)
I threw together a ref for him (I thought it would take longer TwT) I’d be comming a symmetrical icon of his anthro form, if i’d still be alright, then I’d have to pay tomorrow since it’s late for me
(also sorry for the late response)

ill start after you pay 

also i need an unwatermarked version coz i cant tell whats watermark and what's markings

2 Replies

Hey! May I get a full body please? ^^

yes that will be 20$, can i please have a clear, unwatermarked ref? and cashapp or paypal

Cash app! IMG_4106.png?ex=6645edef&is=66449c6f&hm=

Sorry I forgot it had a watermark LMAO 😭

my cashapp is $tmafan , startjng rn. any pose u wnat?

Nope, give me alittle bit to send the money :3

i've finished the sketxh, do you hav discord i can send progress to for approval?

1 Replies

I don't have much cash myself but I'd love to support, could I get two symmetrical icons for you? ♥️

yes what charactera

that would be 7$ total, cashapp or paypal?

PayPal please:)

do u have discord i can send details and wips to

1 Replies