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i have paypal too :3

Oh— Okay!
could I comm you after I get a ref done for the guy i wanna comm you for? :D

(idm if you don’t hold a spot for me tho, if other ppl comm you right away than they get that slot ^^)

depends on the comm, i onky want ro wait if uts worth more money if that makes senae

Yep that makes sense :)
I threw together a ref for him (I thought it would take longer TwT) I’d be comming a symmetrical icon of his anthro form, if i’d still be alright, then I’d have to pay tomorrow since it’s late for me
(also sorry for the late response)

ill start after you pay 

also i need an unwatermarked version coz i cant tell whats watermark and what's markings

Alright! Tysm
I'll send the ref as soon as I can (at school rn) my discords dustymasonjar + I'm assuming yours is in the above comment thread?

1 Replies