
So I've been having some art motivation and computer issues recently (rip my old laptop), but I would like to start drawing more. Especially since Artfight is soon? How??

I'm on a Star Wars and Detroit: Become Human hyperfixation streak right now, but I'd like to do some clone-related stuff to get myself back into drawing. If I'm gonna be stuck on my own ocs I'll at least do some freebies because I know this will get the gears turning again. Literally just yeet some ideas at me. I'll do max of 5 (1 squad) per person. I'm probably going to use my own base (unless there's one you really want that looks cool). Just comment below with whatever info you have (definitely any tattoos/scars/etc or specific armor designs/paint designs, name and/or number too so I can write it in).

My only request is that you already have the character profiles created!!!
I'm just going to add the image with the entire squad/however many you requested to their galleries. You can change the design however you want after, but as per my usual TOS please do not edit the image I send.
k now for some rambles

I recently saw the Chimera Connor mod, and I am in *bliss* with how cool it looks (seen a few versions and they all are so badass). Machine Connor has never looked like such a cold-hearted bastard. I love it so so much. Unfortunately, there's very little in the way of fanfictions or art with Chimera Connor that I've found. So as the starving man I am, I'm going to write/draw the damn thing myself. It's been a hot minute since I've written anything, but I'm zooming through the outline. (If any of you are writers and haven't looked up Brandon Sanderson's BYU lectures on youtube I would def recommend it. they're the full lectures for free and have been amazingly helpful, even just listening to them like a podcast while I'm at work).

I'm basing the idea kind of off a comment I saw, that suggested Connor's new look might be from a glitch after he died (I think original comment was about him waking up inside the junkyard in a body that he'd died in). For my story, the glitch appears after a death in testing (where he deviates) and just keeps showing up no matter what CyberLife tries. They wipe his memory, swap his body, reset him as far back as they can without rebuilding his AI from scratch. Some part of him holds onto the altered appearance (to some shred of deviance), and while the machine might take his place for a bit, Connor and the glitch come back. It's decided that the RK800 line won't be scrapped though.

It's less the unsettling appearance that worries CyberLife than the lack of control they have over a fully deviated android. To an extent they had planned for Connor to deviate. The technicians believe there's a way to hold Connor on the edge of deviating, with adjustments to his programming and Amanda's. Kind of a (Deviant) Hunter idea, wherein Connor thinks he's a machine, no one but him is fooled, and he slowly starts to realize over the course of his investigation with Hank that he might not be as machine as he thought.

I'm using the idea that Kara probably deviated twice, or once and got really close to it before when Todd destroyed her, and it stuck around to a degree which is why she was able to deviate so fast after being repaired/reset. Idk if anyone wants to jump on this bandwaggon with me, but I'm leaving my version open for anyone who wants to try something. And if anyone does actually write a Chimera Connor story please send me a link! Doesn't matter what version, I just need sustenance!!!!!


Hello! Thank you for the chance, the Clone brain rot is real :)

I have two solid clone ideas I haven’t design yet! The first is Snowcat, who is a Corrie trooper. His right eye is missing (he usually wears an eyepatch), and he has a small scar across the left side of his mouth. He has some paw print tattoos. His hair is naturally blond, and in a fauxhawk style (not super long, but noticeably only buzzed on the sides). His armour is mostly solid patches of red or white with a few red hexagons either fully visible or half cut off by armour edges or the larger red patches. Feel free to add as many scars as you’d like, he’s a tad reckless and a Corrie soit’s not OoC for him to have a bunch. Also feel free to indulge the cat aesthetic, he’s named that for a reason

And the second is Tooka, he’s a 212th trooper who is best friends with my OC Ayrin. His armour has was patterned similar to Ayrin’s Tooka, Merit, and the fact Tooks gets along so well with her is where he got his name. His hair is black, and he has a scar across his nose. I don’t have any specific ideas for tattoos, hairstyle, or other defining marks 

I haven’t made profiles yet but I will do that in the morning (it is literally midnight rn)

Also I know nothing about DBH but your fic idea sounds awesome 

A Corrie!! YES!!!! >:D So glad you asked for a Corrie they need some love (Brain rot ye I cannot deny it lives strong in my brain X]) Also, as long as the profiles are up before I finish the refs that's fine! No need to rush lol

Hmm this is giving me ideas. I'm thinking maybe that scar exposes some fang? Is there an expression you would associate with Snowcat? Getting vibes of cold looks for strangers "predator tracking its prey unseen through blizzard" style, and a still chilled but softer attitude towards his brothers (fellow Corries being the only ones who get to see him at his warmest "icicle glittering like stars in the sunlight" type vibes).

As an enjoyer of orange I really like Merit's coloring. The little black fangies took me a second to realize that they're not actual teeth lol so cute :) Full disclaimer I'm probably going to picture your Tooka anytime I read a fic with the name Tooka in it, and I 100% welcome it

And I'm glad you think it sounds cool! I'm definitely nervous about actually writing it, so I appreciate the kind words. It's been a while since I've really sat down and written anything (hopefully even if it isn't awesome it'll get me back into the mindset to tackle my fic list and the ones after can be a little more awesome)

Yeeee Corries deserve all the love, and need to be populated given how few canonical ones there are (my friend and I have made a bunch, the Corrie brainrot is still going strong)

yesss you got Snowcat right on point! He’s cold and serious most of the time but his “twin” (owned by said friend) brings out his more chaotic/reckless side sometimes. They’re the “attached at the hip and super overprotective” type of twins and rarely seen apart, even if Snowcat is usually scowling when in public. (Also exposed fangs are so cooool :D)

I’m so glad you like Merit she’s my (and Ayrin’s) darling! And Tooka’s, of course ^^ Congrats on the new tenant in your head

Kriff yeah it’s hard to get back in the writing groove, but you got this! The best advice is just Write It and see what happens, it can always be fixed after the word vomit is out  :) Stressing over whether it’ll be good is the easiest way to make sure it won’t be tbh (do as I say and not as I do situation there)

K the request should be showing up! I hope you like how they turned out :]
I struggled a bit with the patterns for Snowcat's armor and tattoo. The armor mostly because I was trying to draw all the hexagons by hand instead of using the hexagon tool. Really happy with how the tattoo came out tho. I wanted to do kind of wind blown/smeared-looking paw prints, and I ended up doing a sort of snowstorm with the paw prints tracking up his arm and glowing within the storm. Tooka's armor I really really like. (those are my fav colors lol) Again tho feel free to change whatever doesn't quite vibe! And thank you for letting me draw these boys for you!!!! I had fun designing them :D

Aaaa tysm they’re gorgeous!! I love Snowcat’s tattoo sm 👀

Tooka’s armour is perfect, the patterns are so cool (especially  love the pauldrons  :D)