LPS showcase

Posted 25 days, 5 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

I wanted to take pics of these to show my new irl friend but since I did and I know TH community loves LPS I wanted to show them here too!!

Since we had to move I wasn't able to bring a lot of my old LPS, so these are all from the last two (?) years of thrifting :P also some were given to me by the awesome beautifilled <3


Here are some favs!20240519_165821_by_daylightjamboree_dhfl

Some are also the new gen from walmart :P

If anyone wants to see some of my other collections LMK, I have a few + it'd give me an excuse to tidy up XD I collect:
- Webkinz
- Sanrio (yall should see my hello kitty shelves....)
- BABs (tho i've shown these XD)
- MLP g1 and g3
- Furry art...?
- I have a few garfield things !!!

as well as various trinkets and toys!

my room looks like TOTAL garbo rn or i'd show off more rn..... i have a passion for thrifting/cleaning old toys and finding them !!! I do need to downsize tho.... but idk how to sell irl stuff XD

edit: also the next bulletin will probs be a bit more serious bc I had some concerns w me using mcdonalds imagery bc of a boycott i didnt know abt. I'm thinking of how to word it but just as a heads up!! It'll be posted tn probably or day after tmrw when i am home, so I can put disclaimers on my mcdonalds ocs.


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I want to see more of ur webkinz but ofc love to see the g1 and g3 mlp stuff

THO felt on room being a mess, mine is a huge mess as we've never fully unpacked

I'd love to see your webkinz collection!!! :0

Show us all of your collections! You also have one of my favorite LPs ever! The ostrich!!

show me your hello kitty collection >:D

omg u have the butterfly! ive always loved that one, as a kid it was such good texture. i liked petting the wings with the swirlies on dem :3

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LOVE U POOKIEEE i cant remmeber which r the ones i gave to u but the husky ,iguana and tiger r faves of mine

GARFIELD OMGG i started my garf collection recently but ive wanted to for a while now, thinking abt getting a garf hat heheheha

id love to see the garf collection!!

ALSO i recognize like so many of those lps, i used to have a bunch of those!!! i love seeing lps collections :)

ommmg id reccomend it!!! I have a few of the 80s garf plush (not any SUPER impressive ones but a few neat guys <3), i've found ones at the bins WITH the original tags they r so cool!!! if ur LF modern garf plush tho ik theres a new garf BAB!!!

id love to get some old garf plushies!! i got a new garf and a baby garf from my step mom and we are going to keep an eye out for a bigger one we have seen at walmart too!