
Posted 1 month, 3 days ago by QueenOfValentia

Hi to promote my commissions I'm holding a raffle for some chibis! Here are my examples of em
❀️ https://toyhou.se/26950611.commissions/26957965.chibis ❀️

-Fav my commissions post -> https://toyhou.se/26950611.commissions
-Leave a comment!

-Make a bulletin sharing this raffle! (+3)
-Follow me here on TH (+1)
-Follow my Instagram @GhostofValentia (+1)

I'm giving away a chibi BUT if we get 20+ entries I'll give away 2! And for 50+ entries I'll give away 3! So more winners the more entries!

Will close May 27th! 🀸


Closed!! Will announce the winners soon!

  • Faved the comms
  • Bulletin!!
  • Subbed
  • Following on Insta! (goatmaru_draws_66)

Tysm for the chance!

Thanks so much! Your numbers are 89-94 ❀️

Faved comms post and commented + subbed + followed your IG (cozyyy_cora) + my bulletin!

Tysm!! Your numbers are 83-88 🫢

followed u and faved! heres my bulletin =w= https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1923181.raffle-0

Tysm!! πŸ₯Ί your numbers are 78-82!

Faved, and also following you here and on IG!!

Awesome thanks!! Your numbers are 75-77 😎

Already following you on Toy House And Instagram.


Thanks for the chance.

Thank you!! Your numbers are 69-74! πŸ‘€

Done everything as im already following on insta I think? lol

and link to the bullitin! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1922447.raffle-not-mine

Thank you dude!! Your numbers are 63-68!! πŸ’žπŸ’ž

Faved, already following both places, and made a bulletin :D https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1921573.waffle thank you for the chance! <3

TYSMM your numbers are 57-62!! 😎

Heya! πŸ‘€ Favorited your commissions and followed you here on TH, and I'm already following you on IG πŸ‘And thennnnn putting this comment here JFKLSDF

AYYY THANKS DUDE your numbers are 54-56! 😎

https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1917840.raffle-enter-it-nm already follow you both places DUH!!

am i sexy now

OFC OFC THANKS BEEBS!! your numbers are 48-53 🫢

And yes you are we should make out /srs

Did everything!! My Instagram is @/broken_doll96. https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1917311.f2e-chibi-raffle-nm

AWESOME TYSM your numbers are 42-47! 😎

favorited the post!

Ty!! Your number is 41 🀸

Faved the commissions and followed uvu already following on insta- good luck with the commissions! .u./

Thank you!! Your numbers are 38-40! 😎

>:D waa thankyou lmao

Faved, commented, and followed on TH! Thank you for the chance :3 Your art style is SO cute!

Aww tysm!! πŸ˜­πŸ’ž your numbers are 36 and 37!

Already did all the things listedΒ  except for the bulletin, which you can find right here >:DΒ Β 

Hope that'll boost you comms <3<3<3 You're so sweet for the opportunity!

THANKS DUDE!! your numbers are 30-35! 🫢

Already faved the comms and have been following over here and on insta for a while hehe >:D Good luck to everyone!!πŸ’₯πŸ’ƒ

YEAHH 😎 your numbers are 27-29!

Your art is so cute! Thanks for the opportunity

Aw ty!! Your number is 26 🫢

Faved and shared <3 https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1915174.chibi-raffle-3 Followed you on TH and Instagram!

WAHH tysm!! Your numbers are 20-25 πŸ’žπŸ’ž


JUST FAVORITED AND SHARED!!! I already followed you on IG and TH B)))

THANKS MY DUDE!! your numbers are 14-19 😎

faved the commission post and followed on instagram! tysm for the opportunity! ^^

Tysm! Your numbers are 12 and 13! 🀸

AWHHH i was sure i followed you no wonder none of ur posts were showing up for me TTATT <//3


Faved, followed and shared :3c (i dont use instagram so cant follow there <//3)

OH NO to be fair most of my stuff is private so NO WORRIES HAHA BUT TY your numbers are 7-11! πŸ’ž


YEAHH and I saw you shared too so your numbers are 1-6! 🀸