Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by SPACELAND


People have been getting awfully bold lately with this shit and it's just like. Stop. go away. stop being weird about animals and other things like that. ok. fuck. If you're Normal you may stay. I don't really do DNIs asides from the basics, and this is in fact in the basics. Boundaries go both ways. Reminder over. Heart emoji


Did something happen recently a bunch of people seem to be posting bulletins about this topic or is it coincidental 

I’ve been seeing some nasty stuff in the forums recently that I want to say something about but don’t want to get myself involved with those types even if it’s me disagreeing with them 

I dont check the forums often really, I mostly put this out there bc some mutuals have been having problems with these kind of people doing things to their designs when their TOSes say not to and its just so weird. General proship people have followed me recently too that ive had to block so. Bulletin was in order I guess OTL

Oh my god what were they doing to their designs that’s scary 😟 

Seconding this!!! PROSHITTERS stay away god please 

soootrue.... was there someone in particular that brought this on (just wondering so i can blockkkk)

Naur not for me specifically but its just ridiculous that its been happening to a bunch of people all around i figured I'd just put it out there u_u

ough... evil

THIS IS WHAT IM SAYINGG People have been getting really outward with it and im not here for that… YIKES!

LITERALLY LIKE. people outing themselves casually like that but also people on anon defending it .... if its so normal and acceptable why are you on anon buddy <3 It's almost as if anyone irl knew about it they'd kick their teeth in LOLL its fucking ridiculousss

RIGHT LOL when i explain it to like. my non online irls they literally freak out…