Blakrye / Sphaerra MYO slots [closed]

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Jotaku

Edit:  All slots are filled, thank you!  I may open more sphaerra & blakrye MYOs later in the month, maybe??  So if you're interested please feel free to leave a comment still and I might pick a few up here and there.  Thank you all for the interest and support!


Okay, sorry I'm posting this smack dab in the middle of the night now, but I said I'd open these after I caught up with stuff and I just kinda wanna get it up and going now instead of waiting. >__<;
If there's a lot of extra interest I may take on more, or I may just do another chunk of openings later in the month or something, so no worries about mad rushing!  Just leave a comment if you want a slot, and even if it fills up I'll know you're interested for later/next time.

I'm also really tired right now, and don't wanna go through a whole huge, complex bulletin process so I'mma keep this kinda straight forward and simple.

These are being sold as non-refundable slots.  
They do not expire.
They may be resold (just let me know so I can keep tabs on where the slot is).
They may not be traded while unfinished -- only after approved (simply to save myself trade shenanigan headaches later).
Once officially approved, the designs are final and only minor editing is allowed.
By purchasing, you agree to abide by my standard adopt TOS.

Sphaerra & Blakrye MYO base price: $40
If you are uncertain what extra traits you want, you can just buy the base option and pay for the extra traits during approval.  Unused traits won't be refunded, so please make sure to only pay for what you for sure want!
PLEASE GO HERE to view available traits, trait prices, approval forms, and free bases.

Melwyrm MYO: $100
I am only going to accept 5 of these.
Higher price cuz, honestly, I'm not sure if/when I'll ever sell MYOs of these again (I'm only offering now cuz I'm kinda desperate?).
There are no additional trait costs, so no special forms to fill out.  I'll send some WIP trait sheets via PM for design guidance. o/

Filled up now, thank you!

If you initially claim a blakrye but decide later you want a sphaerra, that's totally cool!  Same for if you get a melwyrm spot and later decide you want two of the blakrye/sphaerra slots instead.

1. umbral-wind - melwyrm - P
2. umbral-wind - melwyrm - P
3. Hyuur - blakrye - P
4. Biscuit_Whale - pending
5. HEAVANDELUXE - sphaerra - P
6. mozaik - pending
7. Armota - pending
8. superhglg - blakrye - P
9. galaxie - melwyrm - pending**
10. Cottoneeh - melwyrm - P
11. Disdain - melwyrm - P
12. himehua - pending**
13. WolfenWares - blakrye
14. Yawal - sphaerra
15. Hackwolfin - blakrye - P



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RIP if only I had opened TH before I went to work this morning XD Maybe I can get a sphaerra slot next time ;v; or even a Melwyrm!!

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Alrighty, I'll mark your slot confirmed and send you a PM with details shortly! ^__^/

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UAUUGH HI JO!! id love a melwyrm myo personally 😭

Sad I missed this!  Would definitely be interested if you were to open more.

Aaaa I was asleep but I would love a wyrm slot one day <3

I'd be interested in a blakyre slot if they open up again and a wyrm one too tbh if you ever consider opening those ;;!!!

oh, I was not expecting melwyrm slots- much as I want I've it's probably for the best I was asleep orz

Aw man, missed the wyrm slots ; w ;

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I'll take a Blakrye slot, please~

Alrighty, you've got it!  Lost spot's all yours! ;v;/
I'll PM you shortly with the details!

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Can i get a wyrm slot if any are left //O//) if not a sphaerra slot would be great too C:

The melwyrm spots are all taken, but I can put you down for a sphaerra! ;V; <3
I'll PM you with the details in just a moment!

Blakrye Please!

(edit) I was just about to go to bed as it’s afte 5am here, so could I ask for this spot to be held till tonight so I can sleep and think about what traits I would like?
if not that’s ok and I understand! 

Yes, that's totally fine.  I'm also about to head off to sleep here pretty soon, too.
I'll PM you the info and you just get back to me when you're able! :)

Could I get a melwyrm slot? Tysm!

Edit: if there's none left, then I'll just pass :'D

They're all filled, but thank you for the interest regardless!

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I've got you down for a slot, but I'm currently putting it as pending depending on if galaxie keeps the melwyrm slot or not.  I'll get back to you once they let me know!

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Can I have a melwyrm slot please?

Sure thing, thank you for the interest!  I'll PM you with details in just a moment!

I would like a melwyrm slot if possible ;w;

Alright, I've got you down for one!  I'll PM you with the details in just a moment!

Aah thank you!

could I hold a melwyrm slot till like....3 hours? ;v;
i need to check to see if i have the 100 in the bank!
if not that's fine <3 best of luck jo!!

Sure, I've got you down as pending for one! o/

thanks so much jo!! <3
ill get back to ya soon, i probably have the money, just wanna be cautious !! ;v; 

I can pay now! Sorry for the delay ;__;

superhglg HEAVENDELUXE Hyuur Biscuit_Whale mozaik Armota

Alrighty dearies, if you'd like to keep your MYO slot please reply to this comment with which species you'd like a MYO of!  If you no longer want the slot, please also let me know so I can let someone else have it. :)

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Alrighty, I'll PM you with the details in just a moment then! ^Q^/

>A< if it's not too late I'd love a melwyrm slot or two please!

would love to make a pair wheeze kdjdhh but if not that's totally ok haha

Id like to grab a base sphaerra slot please! Thank you ^^

Okie dokie!  I'll PM you with the details in just a moment then!

Yes please! I'd be interested in a Blakyre slot, base traits but may like to purchase more once figured out!

Awesome, I'll PM you with the details in just a moment then!

oh boy i was asleep sjnsdjnd,, but Im glad you kept a slot open for me because i def still want one!

Id be happy to pick up a sphaerra! I dont know yet yet what exactly i want for traits so ill get the base for now! 

Sure thing!  I'll PM you with details in a moment then! o/