Questions about a possible design trade-in!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by u__wo_

Should I take monetary offers on trade-in revamps?

135 Votes Yes
53 Votes No

EDIT: I've responded to a few replies with possible plans, but there's still a significant amount of people who voted against it, and a lot of complicated thoughts about going forward/doing a lot of background checking in order to do it properly, SO, for now I'm just gonna leave it on the backburner until there's a time where I can do all of that and no stone is left unturned _(:3 I am easily exhausted by going between multiple conversations at once and extremely scatterbrained so I still need to recover from doing all the MYO related stuff I did recently


Hello all! I've been asked over the months for trade-ins and such, and I've tried to remedy it instead by doing MYO openings, but I do at least want to consider the option still because I know people have Dreamies and Czylphs they no longer want/use and can't find trades for.

(for those who are unaware, a trade-in is when you trade me an approved/official design of my CS that you own, in exchange for a MYO slot with equal trait rarities.)

The reason why I haven't is mostly that there's not a lot I want right now, so there isn't much motivation for me to revamp the ones traded in.

I wanted to ask a general question about revamps and how people felt about me possibly earning money off of them? I've had people in the past tell me that because I put effort into changing the design significantly (in most cases) it should be fine, but I want to hear absolutely everyone's opinion on the matter before I even consider doing this sort of thing.

The poll is anonymous, so no need to worry about being seen for what you vote.

If you have additional commentary feel free to post it! Please keep replies civil as I don't want to incite arguments on this sort of stuff in the case of clashing opinions between customers.
I'm rather neutral on the topic myself since until now I didn't accept money for the OTAs I put up of revamped designs.


So here's the question succinctly,

If a MYO design by you (Dreamy, Czylph, etc) was traded in, and I revamped it (changed colors, markings and traits to my own taste and placed it on new art) and took monetary offers on it, would you be okay with that?

NOTE: This would ONLY be available for NEW trade-ins taken after this post, I don't want to go back and address old designs I've never revamped and stick a (possibly) new rule to them.

The idea of revamps (for me) is that I edit them beyond the realm of what would generally be allowed for edits on my designs so they become "new" designs. Sometimes though, I just really like the designs that are traded in but still don't see myself personally using them, so I may not change much about it. Is that still okay by you? Where would you draw the line (and if you're comfortable, elaborate)?


Since there isn't much motivation for you right now.. 

Have u considered opening up for guest artists to revamp some trade ins, that way it's time off your back?

I'm sure there are a lot of great artists in this community who would be more then happy to help out on revamping some of the trade ins owo

That wouldn't really solve much since it isn't the art portion that's tiring me out, it's to do with the fact that if I take money directly, everything has to be cross checked between artists of the original designs, as well as appraised for the value based of effort/commissions, I can't guarantee everyone will remember what they paid for certain things. Adding more artists doing more revamps than I would (since I still take a hit, only revamping a small handful out of a bunch as it were) only serves to complicate this process further since bigger volume of designs means more cross-checking, confirmation, and price calculating, and then I'd have to also speak with several people to cross-check their revamped designs for confirmation. Not really the headache I wanna deal with honestly.. x_x

oh that's fair! 

IMO you should be able to make money off them since you are putting your time and effort into it and it was our choice to trade our old designs in, in the first place. so I don't see any problem with it.

Because in the end, you are putting up all the information and it's our choice if we wish to trade in our old designs.

If people are upset that their currents are made more then the MYO slot because they've bought extra art etc then they don't have to trade them in. In the end it's not like we're being forced to. owo

would you ever concider having an event where we can forfiet an old design to you that we have, that was not designed by us, to be redesigned?

I'm not sure I understand but if I've got you correctly then that's what this will be about, the design doesn't have to be created by you, it just has to be in your ownership / obv has to be my CS

ah alright!

i just wasnt sure if it had to be a design that we had made ourselves. thanks for clearing it up!

Giving my initial thoughts, they're a bit rough.

- I value my own designs (MYOs made by me) higher than ones I received for the MYO price, so if I own two dreamies that are both worth $25, the one I designed in my mind is worth more to me because of the time I spent making the design. Idk if that seems weird or how it might factor into this, but I ultimately arrived at the conclusion that I'd be much more likely to give up a MYO made by someone else if I knew it was ultimately going to be used for monetary profit, especially if the worth I was receiving in return was the base slot price of $25.

- edit; you already decided to do this looks like, but I agree with the idea of letting designers opt-out of the USD option on their designs!

- This one is exceedingly brainstormy/not well thought out yet but for designs with extra art (or designs turned in by the artist that made them) could there maybe be some sort of a barter/haggle feature where based on the worth of the design that's being traded, rare traits might be added to the received MYO slot?


  1. I turn in a dreamy worth $75 total and ask for a Common + 1R MYO slot in return.
  2. I have a MYO dreamy that I designed, and am not sure I'm ok with being used for USD if exchanged for a common MYO slot. However, I might consider allowing it to be sold for USD if I were able to get a common slot + 1SR trait (to cover the time I spent on the design/what I feel my art is worth).

I'm certain this would need to be refined some in order for it to actually work, but the thought of basically meeting in the middle with 'the designer gets the ability to sell for USD and the customer gets the perk of a chance at extra rare stuff' (i.e. extra perks for both parties, beyond how it's been done in the past) seems nice! And maybe above isn't the right way to execute that, but I do really like the thought of both artist and customer coming out of this with extra perks.

I've yet to participate in any of these turn in events (just haven't been around long enough to do so) so I'm sure there are some logistical issues with the suggestions above, but I just wanted to share my thought process anyway in the hopes that they might spark ideas or discussion! I hope I'm not too far off base.

Oh, I kinda like the second idea you proposed as far as the worth of the OG MYO goes! I'm not sure about extra art though, especially since it's obviously not coming with the new design T T;

Yeah! Fair point there, I also think valuing based on extra art might be easy to manipulate as well (i.e. you might see people like, intentionally adding art to their gallery to eventually exchange for rare traits or something?) I'm not sure, but yeah!

Maybe you can also appraise designs for folks based on how hard or easy you think they will be to upgrade, and make an initial offer (i.e. "I'll give you a Common + 2SR for this design) and then leave it up to the person to accept or decline? Idk. I'm glad you like the idea though! I think it would make the turn in a little more exciting, and you might see different types of designs turned in than in past events if there's added incentive for it.

My sleepy brain misread this as you offering to sell back a revamped design to the original person who traded in their MYO. Orz like they did a trade-in and paid you extra for a redesign.

Honestly though, I think giving people the option for a trade-in to be revamped would be best! People don't own the thing anymore but ownership is a weird feeling, emotionally. It's still 'theirs,' even when it's not.

I have done that before via base transfers! I may do it again sometime where people purchase additive traits as well as edits, if that was something you were actually interested in.

With trade-ins though, there's always the clause that it will be revamped even if I've not sold them, because it's still a 1-1 trade to me. ): so I don't think I'll do anything where people just trade in for a new MYO because if I don't like the design I really can't do anything with it and wind up with nothing in return.

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I would personally feel sad seeing a myo I made revamped and sold... But: if it was for FTO then I would see it as a chance for new people to come into the community. So it really depends on how much, the amount, and who it's sold to.

The only problem I see with some FTO or raffle sales are that people participate in them that aren't actually interested in the particular design up for sale. They do it for trade fodder.

I dunno. The whole thing is a difficult situation. It's a hard decision.

I agree with pugsnot! Maybe you could even turn them into cheaper raffles for FTOs and those who normally wouldn’t be able to afford getting one / couldn’t draw one for the MYO event due to other circumstances? Though if made cheap then your labor can reflect that as opposed to using larger more detailed bases? Or one batch of cheap FTOs and another or larger auctions and finally another batch for midrange flat sales?

That's also an option! Putting them into sale sections based on effort / base used seems like the best approach. I still want to do OTAs (to consider art or like, Nus) but I think I'll have ceiling price levels for them.

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I like your idea a lot.

I think it would be fine, personally, as you do put a lot of work into revamping them. Maybe for some groups, having a flat rate raffle? Like for ones with more simple redesigns or more common traits, where as for the more complex redesigns or more rare traits may be open monetary offers.

That makes sense! I'll definitely consider it.

I think it would be okay! By trading away the design you already admit you no longer want it and shouldn't be bothered by it being revamped and sold. Seeing the last batch of revamped dreamies I think most of them were far enough removed from the original to count as a unique design. But like paladin said allowing the user a choice whether not they feel comfortable with having the design revamped and sold pretty much remedies the issue, or have it upfront explained that by turning in a design you forfeit all rights to said design.

Yeah I think if I did decide to go with it, I'd have somewhere people could sign-on consent for that sort of thing, or individually ask the designers of the ones I intend to revamp :3 I definitely don't want to just assume everyone is okay with it, but I wanted to stick a feeler out there to see if the majority was for/against to begin with.

Personally, yeah it'd be fine. Turn ins would be the same to be as trading away the rights to the character if I were to trade or sell it

The person who now has the character can do whatever they please with it (as long as it follows any additional CS based rules, but I no longer have even a fraction of a say in what happens once something leaves my hands)

I can't see a lot of "nos", but if there are, you could just have the option of if the original designer was not present for the turn in, have some be trade and have those that were from/got explicit consent from the og designer allow monetary value?

Probably a bit of a complex process, but some people get very sensitive about things they don't own on this site LOL

Oop edit: if I handed something in you liked but didn't edit much, I would just consider you reselling it, which since you're the owner of the species you'd be well within you're right to do, since IIRC you do tend to at least create new artwork for the revamped designs, so mightspeed!

Thanks for your input! I mentioned it above but I believe I'll just go through the process of asking people individually if they're okay with it as I receive designs and want to edit them.