Subraces of Demons {WIP}

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by varkarrus


The most powerful and rare classification of demon, Archdemons are born powerful and command respect.

Balrog: One of the largest races of demons, Balrogs are between 16-19 feet tall, with massive wings, hairy manes, and enormous curved horns. While lacking in any innate magic (beyond what’s required for them to fly), they are immensely strong.

Marilith: A warrior demon. With a long snake-like tail, and a six-limbed torso, these well-coordinated agile demons live for combat and aim to be skilled with virtually any weapon. In ancient times, grand spellcasters would keep a female Marilith both as a status symbol and a bodyguard.

Hart: A demon constantly surrounded in shadow. These demons have deerlike heads with antlers, but also leathery wings, clawed feet, and a long tail. They posses the innate ability to destroy or obfuscate information, making books unreadable and filling cameras with static. Notoriously clever, Harts tend to live for a very long time.

Apollisk: See Daemolisks.


A classification of demon that eats emotions. There are many varieties of Emotivore.

Foocubus: Foocubi can live off of other’s feelings of Lust and Pride. Contrary to popular belief, a Foocubi can live without sex. In fact, sex is a “junk food” for foocubi, they usually enjoy it more than other emotions, but living solely off of it is unhealthy. Instead, Foocubi act as backseat advisors for ambitious people, living off of their success, but holding no real attachment to them. Foocubi are slightly taller than humans, and have small horns, wings, claws, digitigrade legs, and a tail. Foocubi make great partners, but if your ambition can’t compete with their appetite, they may just eat your soul.

(Fear and Pain)

(Apathy and Boredom)

(Wrath and Chaos)


Brutish demons that are all locked in a partially awakened state. They don’t fully quality as an awakened magic user, but all have a limited number of “spells.” Fiend magic expresses itself the exact same way among all members of that race. All fire fiends control fire the same way, for instance. Their magic is hard-coded into their genetics.

Fire Fiend: One of the largest “Fiends,” these 11-12 feet tall demons can hurl balls of fire, or breathe it as a fiery breath. They also look the most "generic," with large muscular frames, impressive horns, hooves, and red skin.

Shadow Fiend: A smaller, lithe fiend, about 7 feet tall, Shadow Fiends are capable of moving very quickly. It’s said they are nearly invisible in pitch blackness, and one can sever your arms so fast and cleanly you don’t notice it until a few seconds have past.

Mirror Fiend: These fiends have diamond-like skin, and stand over 8 feet tall. They are capable of self-replication, and they are highly durable and resistant to magic.

Ice Fiend: {WIP}

Chaos Fiend: {WIP}

Sand Fiend: Sand fiends are particularly dangerous Fiends, able to manipulate time. They can slow it down, speed it up, and even stop it. Some ancient Sand Fiends even master the ability to rewind time a short amount.

Warp Fiend: {WIP}

Poison Fiend: {WIP}

Metal Fiend: {WIP}

Wind Fiend: {WIP}


A classification of demon (like Fiend) with many variations. Daemolisks are a little shorter than most demons, but are amongst the most terrifying. All daemolisks are fully awakened magic users from birth, with minor variance between their abilities, which is how they are different from Fiends, but are comparatively lacking in raw physicality of any sort. 

Sheolisk: Necromantic demons who eat rotting flesh. Their claws and teeth are toxic and inflict necrosis. They range from 5’6”-7’0” feet tall. Bonita is an exception because it seems Earthborn demons are shorter than their Hellborn counterparts. Sheolisks are native to Sheol, a place where dead bodies spontaneously manifest, as their real life counterparts rot away. Sheolisks control Death and the Undead, usually able to reanimate zombies, or deliver bursts of unholy energy to heal undead and demons.

Malebolisk: Finned, demonic torturers. Malebolisks always have powers revolving around pain, whether inflicting it, or being empowered by it.

Hadelisk: Hadelisks have immaterial forms, like Ghosts. They are capable of becoming corporeal, but generally stay intangible. Their magic revolves around ghosts and a fluctuating state between corporeal and incorporeal.

Lethelisk: Lethelisks are mind demons. Their magic revolves around thought and identity, controlling it, changing it, manipulating it, and such. Many Lethelisks have abilities such as telekinesis or illusion mastery as well.

Acherolisk: An exceptionally strange breed of anti-demon demons, utilized by various demonic rulers as a means of punishing and regulating their subjects.  While less adept in combat with normal humans and angelic forces, an Acherolisk specializes in eliminating fellow demons and those bearing demonic influence, possessing the frightening ability to destroy them at even the conceptual level. Acherolisks have powerful anti-magic abilities as well.

Phlegelisk: Phlegelisks are amongst the largest of all Daemolisks, with a flaming skull-like head. Quite simply, their magic revolves around fire. They have a lot more variety in their powers than Fire Fiends, but it all boils (heh) down to fire.

Cocytalisk: The icy alternative to Phlegelisks, they are lithe and skeletal with MASSIVE claws. They too, have much more variety in their icy powers than Ice Fiends do, although Ice Fiends have them beat in the physical strength department.

Gehennalisk: Gehennalisks are masters at Knowing things. Their magic always revolves around getting information, by any means. A Gehennalisk may rip thoughts straight out of a person, or they may simply have clairvoyance.

Tartaralisk: Tartaralisks are manipulators of physical space. Often used as jailors, as some can even create pocket dimensions. They are also the overall most physically dangerous of all Daemolisks, with massive bodies, boney spikes, meaty paws, tusks, and dark leathery skin.

Apollisk: These are the nastiest form of Daemolisk, and are also considered a breed of Archdemon. They appear as locust-like humanoids with horns and four limbs, and their magic powers always revolve around destruction. Of course, it's not true destruction, as that can only be achieved through the Power of Destruction, but Apollisks are most often quite capable of even destroying souls. If an Apollisk comes across a pure soul, fresh from the hellpits, they may destroy it out of spite.


Oni: 10 foot tall demon that comes in blue and red varieties, and can have anywhere from 1 to 3 eyes. Notably nearly as strong as a Balrog despite being smaller, Onis are very dangerous. Interestingly enough, despite demon’s resistance to poison, Onis actually can and will get drunk off of alcohol just as easily as a scaled-up human.

Occula: Lithe demons with very sharp teeth, one large eye on their head, and numerous smaller eye stalks. They are incredibly perceptive and agile, capable of levitating at uncanny speeds.

Imp: One of the few races of Demon generally smaller than a human, these small demons have huge claws, agile wings, scheming minds, and great potential. While most Imps get pushed around by other demons, the current Pride on the Council of Hell is an Imp. Apprentice demon summoners may start with binding Imps, as they are relatively easy to keep trapped, though be wary as some imps are much smarter and more powerful than others. Attempting to summon Pride is a one-way ticket to you and your whole family to be tempted towards evil before having their soul devoured, one at a time.

Rakshasha: Large demons with four arms, three eyes, and sharp tusks.

Tengu: {WIP}

Nickar: Sea-dwelling demons 

Wraith: These demons are immaterial like ghosts. In place of legs, they have four tendrils, charged with unholy power. Considered "lesser" demons, alongside Imps, but their immaterial form makes non-magic users easy prey for them.



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