Fav artists/designers guide

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by st4rd4st

Heres a list of artists/designer I enjoy much in no particular order! (And theres still peeps I forget help)

Take this a guide of my preferences and likes in terms of style and aesthetics uvuĀ 

If your art looks similiar in vibes/aesthetics to theese wonderful artists chances are high that I will love your stuff too uwu<3 and end up on this list maybe :3



-moggiedelight/mogz, maimedwolf


-glider/glidertoo (FA), spoonfed







-Rune-ko (formerly xmincatx)



-Rossekku (instagram)

-lysandrecafe, lyscafe







-nicooo/casino (esp older art/designs from where they were in DA, but basically anything but those on-base chibi adopts theyre just not my style)




-jotchua, onionpwder (insta, twitter)












-b4kuch1n / Baku of Healthy (Twitter, tumblr)


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